
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jul 18, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Ruppster Guest

    On Fri, 22 Jul 2005 15:31:32 GMT, "Bill Walker"

    As opposed to what, being considered a pussy nation? <g> We tried
    being nice and it didn't work. Look what it got us. Plus there is a
    difference between invading a country just because we can versus going
    in to a country to remove a person that was a threat to even his own
    people. Saddam signed a treaty after Desert Storm and agreed to very
    specific terms. We did nothing to him till after he decided to go back
    on his word. He was given every chance to honor his agreement but
    chose to thumb his nose at the US and lost. End of story. Have you
    forgotten what happened in the past when another country reneged on a
    treaty? It brought about WWII. Remember that? Germany signed a treaty
    at the end of WWI and Hitler decided to ignore it in the mid 30's. At
    first he looked for ways around the treaty (tons of money in to rocket
    and jet research since piston powered fighter planes were a no-no) but
    later on decided to just ignore the treaty all together. At the time
    no country was willing to step forward and put Germany back in line
    because they were worried about the opinions of other countries along
    with how their own people would react to such an effort. They didn't
    want to upset the voting public and get kicked out of office. We
    learned from that mistake. How many lives could have been saved had
    the leaders of all the other countries, us included, done something
    sooner instead of putting their heads in the sand and pretending it
    would be all right? We got what we deserved back then for that bit of
    arrogance. The world community gave Germany the time it needed to
    build up such a force. Had Hitler not pushed his plan up by two to
    three years he would have had a military no one could have touched and
    the world would be speaking German right now.

    Yes, things were distorted and lied about to sway the general public
    to back the attack on Iraq. That I will not even try to debate. But
    just imagine what would have happened if GW had gone ahead and sent
    troops in to Iraq without public approval? You think thinks are a mess

    sportster at dodge-semis dot com
    Ruppster, Jul 22, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    "Things were not distorted".. George Bush and his administration downright
    lied to the American people to get this country into a declared war.. They
    tried to lie to the world community to justify that war.. The world did not
    support this war..

    Your references to Germany, Hitler and WWII are timely and should be
    considered.. This administration parallels the strategy of the Nazi when
    Hitler came to power.. Germany became an aggressive nation and has worked to
    dispel that image since 1945.. Win, lose or Iraq, George Bush has
    placed that same onus on our country.. America is an invader in Iraq, an
    occupier and intruder.. The American taxpayers will be paying for this
    insanity for many generations to come..

    It was necessary to go to Afghanistan, bomb the blazes out of anything that
    resembled Osama bin Laden.. We are not beholden to control that region of
    the world or any other region of the world.. That was what caused Hitler to
    lead Germany into WWII.. He'd decided that Germany would be an Aggressor
    Nation and control Europe..America went into WWII with the blessings of the
    world .. not to control the European nations..

    Our presence in the middle east is a strategy to politically control and
    shape that region .. We are the Aggressor Nation .. There is no "pussy
    nation" definition of America.. Never has been and never will be..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 22, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    You refer, I suppose, to WMDS. And, it certainly appears that there were
    none. Yet. the intel services of every major country were convinced Saddam
    had them. We knew that he had not only had them, we knew he'd used them.

    We STILL don't know what happened to them.

    In order to establish that a person lied, you have to KNOW two things (based
    upon more than "faith") You have to KNOW that the statement was inaccurate,
    AND you have to KNOW that the person making the statement knew, at that
    time, that the statement was inaccurate. We're pretty sure of the first.
    We don't know the second.


    Bob Thomas, Jul 22, 2005
  4. Bill Walker

    Ruppster Guest

    While the whole "world" did not support the war neither did the whole
    "world" oppose the war. We are not the only country that went in to
    Iraq or have you forgotten that already? Some of the loudest opponents
    to the war were proven to have disobeyed the embargo of Iraq during
    Desert Storm and sold stuff to Iraq anyhow. Goes to show their
    objection was only to try to protect themselves, not due to them
    wanting to be the good guys. The "lies" that got this ball rolling are
    a moot point right now anyhow. As they say hindsight is 20/20. We are
    already over there and need to worry about how to get things worked
    out so we can pull out our troops ASAP. The only thing that really
    pisses me off about the whole thing is that it is mainly US and
    British troops paying the price for something that in the long term
    will benefit world stability. Other countries that are doing nothing
    other then bitch about the war will gain from this too.
    Every time I hear someone dredge up the same old line that "this
    administration parallels the strategy of the Nazi when Hitler came to
    power" it makes me want to laugh. How can you even compare the two?
    There is none. Has GW invaded anything more then Iraq? One country
    does not equate to world domination which was Hitler's plan for his
    3rd Reich. And are we putting our own people in charge of Iraq? I
    don't think so. As far us the US's "strategy to politically control
    and shape that region" we gave other countries a chance to join in
    help in the effort but they were too chicken. They left it up to us
    not by our choice. Yes, we have started them off with leaders that
    favor the US but their position is not permanent. They can and might
    be voted out once everything is up and running and they hold their
    next election. All we are doing is giving them a chance to be free of
    a dictator and be able to guide their own destiny. Care to tell me
    where's the bad in doing that? So can you prove to me that GW has
    taken full control of Iraq for the rest of time to back up this claim
    that GW is the same as Hitler?

    As I said there is no comparison to Hitler and GW. The only comparison
    is in regards to Hitler and Saddam. They both went back on their own
    agreements and got what they deserved. Is that so hard to understand?
    Or should we have waited another 10 years for things to have gotten
    worse and allowed a lot more people to die so we would have had the
    approval of the entire world so no one would think we were too
    aggressive? We need to worry about ourself, not what a handful of
    others might think of us. So I could care less if some other country
    is worried that if they piss us off too badly we might get mad at

    Also, there are different levels of aggression. If all aggression is
    so bad how would you rate you own little aggression last week? You did
    not go in with force to take over someone's property. You went in to
    stand up for what you thought was right. You did not care that others
    didn't share your opinion of what was right or wrong. All you cared
    about was what you felt you had to stand up for with total disregard
    for anyone else. How does what GW did differ from what you did. If
    GW's aggression is so bad then what does that say for your actions?

    sportster at dodge-semis dot com
    Ruppster, Jul 22, 2005
  5. Bill Walker

    Ruppster Guest

    That's always the fun part when you're dealing with information
    gathering (intel). You are only able to get a handful of all the
    pieces from the puzzle. For the rest of the puzzle you have to make an
    educated guess about it using just what info you were able to gather
    beforehand. I spent 9 years in the Air Force working for a command
    that was responsible for monitoring the testing of nuclear weapons by
    other countries that signed the nuclear test treaties of the 60's and
    70's. Since we did not have open access to all the countries or their
    programs we had to do the best we could with what we could get and
    report it as we saw it.

    Ruppster, Jul 22, 2005
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. I thought that was where you were going.. I went to Breckenridge
    without representing anyone but Bill Walker.. I went there for two men that
    I believed would be there.. I made those intentions very clear.. My actions
    only involved me and those two men, unless someone else just wanted to be
    involved.. Fortunately, there was no one else involved..

    I'm not a leader of an entire nation and it is my own ass that is being
    placed at risk or in harm's way.. You've thrown a Straw Man into the mix..
    What happened at Breckenridge last Saturday isn't comparable Hopefully..
    the president of the United States and the administration that surrounds him
    represent their constituents.. I don't represent anyone but me.. I also take
    the consequences for my actions and don't rely on others paying them for

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 22, 2005
  7. Bill Walker

    Ruppster Guest

    Yes there is a comparison between the two. GW was elected as the main
    representative of the US with the backing of congress. We have given
    him the right to stand up for this country on our behalf as he feels
    is best. He was elected based on what he stood for and being the
    lesser of two evils by public vote. As your character made you stand
    up for what you thought was right for yourself GW (as our elected
    representative) stood up for what he thought was right for our
    country. What he did and what you did were still acts of aggression
    and both were handled in their own way. But since GW has been given
    the responsibility to handle the US his act of aggression is on a
    larger scale. You acted with force to prove a point and so did GW. So
    to condemn GW for aggression when you have done the same thing I think
    is nothing but ironic.

    sportster at dodge-semis dot com
    Ruppster, Jul 22, 2005
  8. Bill Walker

    pieface Guest

    Damm!!! Good points on both sides guys.
    pieface, Jul 22, 2005
  9. Bill Walker

    Ruppster Guest

    Guess it goes to show you truly can have a civil discussion on usenet
    when people can keep to opinions and not resorting to name calling.

    Ruppster, Jul 22, 2005
  10. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    Yep. And the "conclusion" is usually a judgment call, based upon the
    balance of the information. And, there are ALWAYS reports that contradict
    and analysts who don't agree. It is that from which most of the "Bush knew"
    crowd draw their fiery conviction.

    Figuring out "who's right" is always easier after the fact.


    Bob Thomas, Jul 22, 2005
  11. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmm... I don't think you really understand the form of government that you
    live under.. The president of the United States is elected as the leader of
    a free nation.. What you are describing is a ruler, exactly the same as
    Saddam Hussein.. He was elected also, such as the elections under a dictator
    would be affected.. There are three branches of our government that when
    functioning, are there to put into place the safeguards that prevent our
    president from taking actions such as you describe.. Those other two
    branches of government were lied to and deceived into giving George Bush the
    war option that he asked for.. The American people were lied to and deceived
    by George Bush.. We know for sure that he lied to us about each and every
    reason we attacked Iraq..

    Nossir.. until our country is declared an authoritarian govenment, ruled by
    a dictator, your concept of this government is misguided.. and dead wrong..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 22, 2005
  12. Bill Walker

    Bob Thomas Guest

    Bill, you don't know anything of the sort. That's your OPINION, not a fact.
    I'll even accept the possibility that you're right, but you don't KNOW it,
    you just think it.


    Bob Thomas, Jul 22, 2005
  13. Bill Walker

    Ruppster Guest

    My "concept of this government" is far from "misguided" and also far
    from being "dead wrong". I also know more then you think. Just because
    my views differ from yours doesn't mean I am automatically wrong and a
    dumbass to boot. A "ruler" can do what he wants without fear of what
    his people will think of him. And if someone tries to have him kicked
    out that "ruler" can easily dispose of the thorn in his side however
    he wants to. As you said GW was elected which means he has to answer
    to the people one way or another and can be impeached for doing wrong.
    As I said before GW invaded Iraq with the support of Congress. He did
    not abuse his power and just do whatever he felt like. He followed
    protocol. He acted as an elected official, not as a "ruler". If you
    were unlucky enough to have been President at the time what would you
    have done? Would you have stuck your head in the sand and let Saddam
    have the freedom to do as he pleased?

    As far as "The American people were lied to and deceived
    by George Bush.. We know for sure that he lied to us about each and
    every reason we attacked Iraq", if this was even close to being true
    why hasn't he been impeached yet? Right now it is an assumption (as in
    "assume") that he knew what the true intel was and made every intel
    agent lie about the supposedly "true" facts, even agents from other
    countries, in order to deceive Congress in to giving GW their support.
    Do you have proof to back up your statement? Intel is a guessing game,
    sometimes you get it right and sometimes you lose. I would rather err
    on the side of caution then get caught with my pants down. Had GW done
    nothing only for the US to get hit with a dirty bomb or a chemical
    warhead (which he was known to use) from Saddam later on I would bet
    the same people that are bitching at GW now for his preemptive strike
    would still bitch at GW for not having done something sooner to
    prevent it. Politics ain't perfect and he would piss off some people
    no matter what he did. As I said before hindsight is 20/20.

    sportster at dodge-semis dot com
    Ruppster, Jul 22, 2005
  14. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker, Jul 22, 2005
  15. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Damm!!! Good points on both sides guys.

    ‘‘Yes, Bill, Ruppster, pieface, others, are making interesting
    cases. This is what you call, a discussion of differences of opinion!
    Both, have made very good points.’’ When one states one point of
    view, I think yeah that is it.
    Then the other states his, and I think, well maybe that is the better
    I will have to read more, I just wanted to stop here to say. I hope you
    guys keep it calm, and no one gets perterbed.
    Keep it as a gentlemens disagreement, it would be delightful. (2 cents
    by Bjay)
    BJayKana, Jul 22, 2005
  16. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘In order to establish that a person lied, you have to KNOW two
    things (based upon more than "faith") You have to KNOW that the
    statement was inaccurate, AND you have to KNOW that the person making
    the statement knew, at that time, that the statement was inaccurate.
    We're pretty sure of the first. We don't know the second.

    ‘‘Earlier I was stating how I was enjoying the onGoing debate here
    about GW, Hitler Soddam,and the comparison of WWII, to Irag, and the
    breckenridge conflict, and so forth. I named a few who were having the
    main discussion, and I left out the gentlemen, who goes by bob.
    Bob Thomas, I really like your statement above, describing whether or
    not a person has deliberately lied. Never heard it expressed any
    better. Tell me you read it somewhere! (kidding)
    (cheers, Bjay)
    BJayKana, Jul 23, 2005
  17. Bill Walker

    pieface Guest

    Sounds good to me!
    pieface, Jul 23, 2005
  18. So which reason for attacking Iraq turned out to be true and
    believable ?

    There's "Sadam was an evil dictator".

    What's the second one ?

    WMDs ?

    An Iraqi conspiracy with Al Qaida ?

    A model for other Arab countries to follow ?
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Jul 23, 2005
  19. Bill Walker

    pieface Guest

    Yes, and the constitution also protects me from you walking around with
    a bomb in your bag.
    pieface, Jul 23, 2005
  20. Bill Walker

    Ruppster Guest

    No, it is true if you read the sentence for want it says and not what
    you think it says. It said that we knew that he had them and that he
    used them. The use of the word "had" means past tense, versus the use
    of the word "has". He had chemical weapons in the past and used them
    in the past. This is a well known fact. As far as the chemicals that
    were being referred to having a short shelf life while that is true
    and that they were probably already expired at the time they were
    being talked about the point was they were viable weapons during the
    period he claimed he had no such stuff and was not supposed to have in
    the first place. A leopard does not change his spots. If he was open
    about his support to use the stuff in the past who's to say he
    wouldn't use them in the future without hesitation.
    No one called the other guys "idiots" nor was their opinion
    disregarded. But it was just that, their opinion based on very little
    fact. Had they had evidence to back up all their claims then that
    would be a different story.
    Where have you been for the last 20 years? A little over ten years ago
    at the end of something called Desert Storm he signed a treaty that
    disallowed him from having the stuff he was shown to have acquired
    during the time frame he wasn't supposed to have it. Then when the
    pressure was put on him for his disobeying some of the very rules he
    agreed to he decides to break his promise altogether and disregard the
    treaty completely. The reason we went after him this last time was not
    because he used chemical weapons 20 years ago. It was because he broke
    the treaty he agreed to that ended Desert Storm. If the treaty is made
    invalid by the signing party then that means it is only fair to let
    the attack on him be renewed. That is why he got his butt kicked. The
    fact that he used chemical weapons in the past was to show that he was
    not afraid to use them to begin with. No one ever claimed it was the
    sole purpose of invading Iraq. As far as "killing hundreds of
    thousands of people" that is far from the facts that I have seen. Even
    the website gives a lot lower number.
    And it's not even close to a hundred thou.
    There is a difference between opinion and fact. Just because you think
    you know (your opinion) what happened does not mean that is really
    what happened (fact) unless you have proof to back it up. So do you
    have any proof to back it up? If so I would love to see it.
    Then prove it.

    sportster at dodge-semis dot com
    Ruppster, Jul 23, 2005
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