Perplexing Vulcan

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by rile, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. rile

    rile Guest

    I have a 2001 750 Vulcan. For the past month, it has been getting
    more difficult to cold start. At full choke, no throttle, it used to
    start easily. Now, at full choke no throttle it just backfires some.
    If I go full choke hit the start button and immediately move the choke
    lever to no choke, it has been starting....yet reluctantly and it
    takes a couple of seconds for it to start to run adequetley.
    Yesterday, it finally didn't start. Trying to start it, I ran the
    battery pretty low. I left it for a couple of hours, came back, hit
    the start button and it started right off.
    When the weather gets cool, I've gotten into the habit of placing the
    bike in the sun for a while and it seems to start better. I just
    didn't do that yesterday. The temperature was in the low 60's so I
    didn't think I needed to do that trick.
    Once it does start and I run it, I have no problems at all with it.
    It has about 14,000 miles. Does this sound like an ignition problem
    or a carburetor problem? I'm wondering if the choke needs adjustment
    but there doesn't seem to be a way to do that...there isn't even a
    procedure for that in the service manual that I can find. I'm going
    to put new plugs in it but I'm thinking that really isn't the problem.
    I was hoping to get it to winter time without taking it in for a
    tune-up. Maybe that just won't happen.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    rile, Oct 5, 2004
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  2. rile

    Page Guest

    Clean the carb completely, I'm assuming this is a CV and not fuel
    injected. The choke is on a different circuit in the carb than the slow
    jet or main pilot. Make sure all the passages are open. The choke has
    tiny holes in front of the venture and butterfly. Make sure all pilots
    are taken out and cleaned. If you don't know how or feel comfortable,
    have it done or get a book and someone who has been through a cab
    before. When taking out a pilot, make sure you count how many turns to
    bottom it. Then take it out. When putting it back. Bottom it and back
    it out the same amount of turns it took to bottom it the first time.
    Make sure the float valve is opening and the bowl is filling properly.

    After you clean each carb, synchronize them together.

    Check the battery for proper voltage. Sometime the battery will have
    enough amps to turn the engine, but not enough to start it.

    If you are able, check the compression on each cylinder. Should be
    between 100 psi to 200 psi. Each cylinder should be within 10% of each

    Temperature rarely effects spark plugs. They either work or they don't.
    Before you put in new plugs, check the old ones by letting them hang
    outside the cylinder and see if there is a blue/white spark that jumps
    between the outside of the cylinder and the end of the plug. If it
    does, it isn't your plugs.
    If you put in new spark plugs, use a little anti-seize on the threads
    and check for proper gap spacing.

    Lastly, check for air leaks.


    '01 FXDWG, NTXNS
    "Happy Hour" starts one twist of the throttle past neutral!
    Remove the 123 to reply.
    Page, Oct 5, 2004
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  3. rile

    Charlie Gary Guest

    Before ripping the carbs out, or doing anything involving a lot of time,
    see if you can try it with a new battery. I used to have a Magna that had
    the same trouble, and I did all kinds of carb things, but once I resigned
    myself to a new battery every two years the starting problems went away.
    Charlie Gary, Oct 5, 2004
  4. rile

    pragmatist Guest

    Sounds like you flooded it.
    (Unless the weather got a lot warmer while it was sitting that is.)
    pragmatist, Oct 12, 2004
  5. rile

    rile Guest

    It's always the easiest things.....the battery was bad. Put a new
    battery in and it starts and runs like it was new.
    Thanks to everyone for your suggestions.
    rile, Oct 13, 2004
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