performance figures

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Ruth & Dave, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. Ruth & Dave

    IK Guest

    Sorry. Posting after midnight. I was in a hurry to get to bed, so I
    didn't proof-read, and now Paulh's stepped in and made the point I would

    What I was going to say is that a worryingly large number of sportsbikes
    do, in fact, get used in the manner they were intended, and all the
    snorting about their being expensive playthings used only for beachfront
    promenade cafe runs and so on and so forth is just bile from people who
    want to think of themselves as "real" riders through declaring other
    people not to be.
    IK, Jan 18, 2005
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  2. Cruel. Cruel but fair. (and as the .sig says...)

    Iain Chalmers, Jan 18, 2005
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  3. Ruth & Dave

    Moike Guest

    But that is only evidence of the fact that some manufacturers do
    overtyre their products at the expense of handling.

    I see nothing to support your assumption about the motive behind it, and
    feel much more comfortable believing that the manufacturers are aiming
    for incresed sales. I have seen very little evidence that degrading the
    performance of sportsbikes to promote safer riding habits has ever been
    a big sales plus.

    Moike, Jan 18, 2005
  4. Ruth & Dave

    IK Guest

    You see correctly, Sir.

    I base that view on the handling traits of the seven Japanese
    sportsbikes I've owned over the past six years.
    IK, Jan 18, 2005
  5. Well, there _is_ that trick Suzuki pull that retarts the ignition timing
    in lower gears to make it a little harder to flip your

    I'd count that as "degrading the performance", at least in the lower

    Iain Chalmers, Jan 18, 2005
  6. Ruth & Dave

    IK Guest

    The GSX-R1000 is styled to appeal to people whose money-no-object dream
    car is an SS Commodore.
    IK, Jan 18, 2005
  7. Ruth & Dave

    Conehead Guest

    The first YZF R-1 is probably adequate proof of your comments, Mioke, and
    disproof of your "make the riders want to go slower by putting big tyres
    on", IK.
    Conehead, Jan 18, 2005
  8. Ruth & Dave

    IK Guest

    It's not just the rear tyre size. Stock shocks are undersprung and
    underdamped[1] and stock rear ride heights are too low. Both these
    traits are detrimental to out-and-out handling prowess in the way I
    describe; they slow down the steering and cause the bike to give
    excessive bad feedback when pushed, particularly under power past the
    apex. Fitting a too-fat rear tyre not only exacerbates this further, it
    can be passed off by marketing as "...and look! It's got a fat rear tyre!"
    Well, it's not like Microsoft come out and admit that their user
    documentation is intentionally woven through with obfuscation in order
    to keep the support segment of the IT industry healthy, either.

    The bike manufacturers do this on the sly, Mike. The people who'd be
    impressed by a fat rear tyre are also the likeliest to be the ones who
    need their bike to telegraph its warning signs loud and early.

    [1]To say that it's just the Japanese speccing valving and spring rates
    appropriate for a typically Japanese 60-65kg rider to their suspension
    supplier is a bit weak when you consider the numbers of bikes they
    export. If you can place an order for 5,000 rear shocks tuned to support
    an 85-100kg Caucasian lardarse, the suspension factory won't baulk, and
    to arrive at the specs required, you have to do little but consult a
    chart even if you had been too much of a tightarse to employ a foreign
    ()or even a fat Japanese) test-rider.
    IK, Jan 18, 2005
  9. Ruth & Dave

    IK Guest

    I've fallen for this before... of course Coney remembers I put in excess
    of 25,000km, and a couple of significant chassis mods, on a
    first-generation R1... why, I even mentioned it in this very thread.

    He put the hyphen in "YZF-R1" in the wrong place and added the space on
    purpose, too.

    Crafty sucker.
    IK, Jan 18, 2005
  10. Ruth & Dave

    IK Guest

    Umm, Geoff, of the two, which comes with swirly, slashy graphics and
    interrupted colours all over, and which has single-dominant-colour
    schemes? Of those two, which would be considered the more "adult",
    quote-unquote styling feature?

    Forgotten how Suzuki lay out the LED's in their taillights, or what font
    they use for the digits and gradations on their tachos?
    Sure, but did the Monoposto versions really need four meshed-over air
    vents in the ducktail? If they did, how come the Bipostos got away with
    having only two?

    *grin*, as you say.
    IK, Jan 18, 2005
  11. Ruth & Dave

    Conehead Guest

    You'd be surprised how little I remember of anything, IK, and you shouldn't
    confuse craftiness with gormlessness.
    Conehead, Jan 18, 2005
  12. Ruth & Dave

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Suzuki do that too?
    I thought it was only the Triumph Rocket 3.
    Knobdoodle, Jan 18, 2005
  13. Ruth & Dave

    John Littler Guest

    I really must have gotten under your skin by not giving a shit about a
    topic you wanted to debate, well, as it happens I think it's great that
    most sportsbikes are fashion accessories, it means I have a chance to
    buy one year old bikes cheap that are barely run in and have never been
    flogged (except for being revved really hard in neutral out front of the
    Whatsamatta paulie, what is it you've got your knickers in a twist about
    hey ?

    (maybe it's also because I mentioned the U word and hayabusa in the same
    sentence again as well ? Feeling a bit fragile about your taste again ?)
    John Littler, Jan 18, 2005
  14. Ruth & Dave

    John Littler Guest

    <fake shocked look> NO ! REALLY ! You're serious ? OHMYGOD!!!!

    Nice snippage of the bit where I commented that some people buy for
    looks, some for performance and some for a blurry bit in between, ah
    well, you never did like anyone disagreeing with you, did ya ?
    Well there ya go, Paul knows a few people who ride their bikes
    occasionally but hard. The relevance to a discussion about people buying
    for aesthetics over performance would be ... ?

    Well, lets assume the very tenous implication that these guys only
    bought for performance (which isn't shown by the statements), the part
    where anyone said 100% of people fit in either camp was stated where ?
    Ohhh poor baby, better go buy some tampons

    John Littler, Jan 18, 2005
  15. Ruth & Dave

    John Littler Guest

    Nice rhetorical device, but really mate, come on. Of the R1's / GSXR's
    etc sold how many make it past the Road Warrior cafe ? Some, sure, but
    percentage ? Some even make it to a ride day or 5, but again, percentage ?

    I see lots on the old road, I see far fewer making it to wollombi or

    BTW, what's a real rider and how do you become one ?

    (I'm willing to concede it's possible Sydney has a higher proportion of
    people with the money to spend on a sportsbike that they do <1000km a
    year on than other capital cities, that it may even be a Sydney only thing)
    John Littler, Jan 18, 2005
  16. Ruth & Dave

    John Littler Guest

    But IK you can't extrapolate your behaviour as being typical of other R1
    owners without additional information

    (and I would venture to suggest you are an exception to the general
    population of R1 owners rather than typical)
    John Littler, Jan 18, 2005
  17. Ruth & Dave

    John Littler Guest

    If "and look it's got a fat tyre" is a considered a positive thing while
    granting it has a negative performance impact than either a) it's
    aesthetic or b) it's about PERCEIVED performance as opposed to real.

    Either way, you're supporting the original proposition that overtyring a
    sports bike isn't being done for positive performance reasons.
    So now you're suggesting it could be a combination of positive
    aesthetics and lowered performance ?

    Either way, you've shot down your argument against the original poster
    in the generality if not the specifics

    John Littler, Jan 18, 2005
  18. Ruth & Dave

    GB Guest

    So, in plain english, you're saying that IK isn't a
    bunch of wankers?

    GB, Jan 18, 2005
  19. Ruth & Dave

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Maybe they do.
    I never see them but maybe I just don't travel in those circles.
    I generally just see 40-50yo blokes riding 10-20yo bikes indecently
    quickly. (And I pass 25yo blokes in full leathers and with 1yo bikes
    sitting at cafes)
    At least they aren't getting in the way I s'pose........
    I read somewhere that BVR isn't a "real" motorcyclist........
    Knobdoodle, Jan 18, 2005
  20. Ruth & Dave

    Nev.. Guest

    When I go out for a fang in the hills I'm not surprised to see as many sports
    tourer/tourer bikes as full on sports bikes on the way, but then I do most of
    my riding midweek, so I'm not surprised at all.

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Jan 18, 2005
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