peaks for helmets

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Gazz, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. Gazz

    Gazz Guest

    Got a couple of those cheapie open face helmets from lidl today, ideal for
    what we want.. i.e. a lightweight helmet for use with the scoot when were
    down the bottom of france, keep the full face and flip lids for riding in
    the winter over here.

    First thing i did was take the visors off, i look naff enough riding a
    scooter, don't want to make it even wors by looking like my granddad.

    But we could really do with a sun peak thingy on the top, compared to our
    other lids, these feel like were not wearing a lid, much better view all
    round, but also more sun in me eyes due to the front being so open.

    Are there any sort of universal sun peaks we can get, or do i have to go
    into a chav shop and buy a burbury baseball cap and glue that on the top of
    the lid??
    Gazz, Mar 8, 2007
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  2. Gazz

    Domènec Guest

    You are not that far from Spain, wee boys here wear baseball caps under open
    face helmets.

    And build streetfighters based on Yamaha TZR50.
    Domènec, Mar 8, 2007
    1. Advertisements

  3. Gazz

    platypus Guest

    Wot, like this?


    "Merely corroborative detail, intended to
    give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise
    bald and unconvincing narrative.”
    platypus, Mar 8, 2007
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