Patent/invention Question

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by porl, Jun 18, 2004.

  1. porl

    Gunga Dan Guest

    It's expensive. Low thousands to maybe 10K for UK patent assuming you
    employ patent attorneys throughout. You will probably able to get 0.5hrs of
    time free with an attorney who will be able to tell you whether it's
    actually patentable; not everything is.

    If you speak to anyone about it before a patent is filed make sure they
    sign a NDA (Non-disclosure agreement). If you've told anyone without one of
    these and it's in the public domain it's no longer patentable.

    Sometimes it's not worth the expense of patenting. If you can get to market
    quickly, get good market share, you might be able to exit before anyone
    else has a chance to copy it. Depends how complicated it is, natch. Having
    said that you'll have a much better chance of getting a big company
    interested if you have a patent filed.

    Oh, and someone probably has thought of it. You can do searches yourself

    Don't assume just because you don't find it, that it doesn't exist. You
    might not have used the right search term, but it might be able to tell you
    quickly whether it's already been done and save you time/money.
    Gunga Dan, Jun 18, 2004
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  2. porl

    Ben Guest

    Something to do with the post mark showing the date and meaning you
    could then open it in front of doubting witnesses at a later date and

    "Voila! Here in this ancient postmarked envelope I have my
    description of X so I thought of it before Y on Z date.
    Ben, Jun 18, 2004
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  3. porl

    Gunga Dan Guest

    If that's all he does it would be a good idea for him to keep the envelope
    in a safe place so that in a couple of years time when something similar
    appears on the market, which is a run-away success, the OP can open the
    envelope, and remind himself what a wasted opportunity it was. Optionally
    he could make some paper planes.
    Gunga Dan, Jun 18, 2004
  4. porl

    Gunga Dan Guest

    Thinking of it first is pretty much irrelevant if he doesn't patent it and
    someone else has the same idea independently.
    Gunga Dan, Jun 18, 2004
  5. porl

    Verdigris Guest

    It might be sufficient to count as prior art, and invalidate the
    subsequent patent.
    Verdigris, Jun 18, 2004
  6. porl

    Gunga Dan Guest

    If it were in the public domain, everyone would be prevented from patenting
    it because of prior art, but that would include the bloke who thought of it
    first. If, on the other hand, it were still in the envelope all he's done
    is wasted a stamp.
    Gunga Dan, Jun 19, 2004
  7. porl

    Ferger Guest

    Simian secured a place in history by writing:
    Show that he had the idea first, should he discuss it with a company that
    subsequently decides to try and nick it. Of course, if he doesn't discuss
    it with anyone he will achieve nothing except a heightened sense of
    popularity, on account of receiving more post than usual
    Ferger, Jun 19, 2004
  8. porl

    platypus Guest

    # I'm gonna sit right down and write myself a letter...
    platypus, Jun 19, 2004
  9. porl

    Ben Guest

    Probably. I could never really understand it.
    Ben, Jun 19, 2004
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