Pat Robertson, said what?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    We arent gonna tell the rev. Robertson to shut up exactly,not in this
    country,where we recognize the right to free speech and stuff..
    Butttt,we should tell many folks as possible that this rev. doen't speak
    for all christians, nor does this rev. influence policy decisions. Just
    like Jesse doesn't.

    We have had for a good length of time a policy that forbids our intell.
    operatives from assassinating foreign leaders with whom we differ

    Pat said something about doing away with Chavez, the venezuela
    dictator, before we have to go there and spend 200 billion, or something
    like that. I don't teeTotally disagree with him, but isn't that a
    terroristic statement? Plus, I don't think we've heard that much stuff
    about Venezula, being a threat to us, have we. Atleast I haven't heard
    it on Fox.

    Fox ask the fella, Chavez, what did he think of what the rev. said?
    Chavez, said he didn't know who the heck, this Robertson guy was? I bet
    he does now.

    Why would someone who calls himself a Christian, advocate and sanction
    This guy also calls himself a Reverand?
    Theres not a doubt, that Robertson has a reason, probably he's looking
    for some place in our national debate.

    I forgot, is Pat a left guy, or a right guy?
    He's an extreme'ist something, or another.
    BJayKana, Aug 24, 2005
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