Part of my therapy

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Dentist, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. Go away to alt.soothing.and.supportive where your sort are tolerated.
    This is UKRM.

    Phil Launchbury, Jul 4, 2008
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  2. <Cynical mode>

    Because then they can justify tacking some more billable hours on since
    it's an emergency


    <Realist Mode>

    Because the bulk of your work is being done by time-serving
    minimum-wage mouthbreathers who really, really don't care?


    Phil Launchbury, Jul 4, 2008
    1. Advertisements

  3. Dentist

    Higgins Guest

    Oh yes, I recognise that one. Resolve one problem and then, as if it had
    just occurred to them, ask a follow-up question, which could have been
    resolved in parallel. It's as if they have a sequence of things to ask
    and they couldn't possibly break it. If it was industry, they would be
    hung out to dry.
    Higgins, Jul 4, 2008
  4. Dentist

    Hog Guest

    " "
    Hog, Jul 4, 2008
  5. Dentist

    platypus Guest

    My experiences differ - I'm on very friendly terms with both the estate
    agent and the solicitor.
    platypus, Jul 5, 2008
  6. Dentist

    muddy cat Guest

    Must be they fear the venomous spike.
    muddy cat, Jul 5, 2008
  7. Dentist

    Ofnuts Guest

    On one hand I thank you in the name of my fellow citizens for getting
    our country freed of this lad^H^H^H^H woman. On the other hand, she
    looks like being able to be a full-time job all by herself to the whole
    of the French police forces, who would then be a bit off our backs, so
    you may have missed an opportunity to be a hero here by putting her in a
    train, or abandoning her on the A7. Not speaking of getting some fun
    news because we have had up to there with Columbia lately.
    Ofnuts, Jul 5, 2008
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