Part of my therapy

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Dentist, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. Dentist

    Dentist Guest

    I have just completed a rescue mission to the south of France.

    Sister-in-law managed to get herself, luggage, car, etc., stranded there
    whilst in possession of no discernable driving skills. Hubby (my bro),
    did all the driving, but she managed to lose him last year (permanently,
    boating accident, tragic, etc.), during their previous visit. Someone
    else foolishly drove her there for an anniversary visit (what the
    hell?), then scarpered sharpish.

    Stupidly, following an hysterical and largely incoherent phone call, I
    agreed to fly out and drive her and an inordinate amount of junk back to
    Blighty, thinking it was a small thing to do, in the circumstances.

    I discovered that S-I-L's repertoire, previously quite impressive,
    having featured neuroses, alcoholism, extreme ugliness, vast bulk and an
    attitude to the human race that makes Hitler look like mother Teresa,
    now includes a full blown, and quite dangerous psychosis.

    1100 miles and 3 days later, including stops for various 'episodes'[1],
    and I'm finally home. A cup of tea, kiss the kids, a blast on the bike,
    a rummage around the Mrs, and I'm on the road to recovery.

    The final touch? Lets have a look at what those cunts on UKRM are up to.

    So, I love you all, except D*s, of course.

    [1]Example 1 (minor!); Saying to customs at Portsmouth, "Just give me
    back the fucking passport", followed by a loud comment to the world in
    general; "Why do they employ these ignorant niggers?". That took some
    serious negotiation to mitigate.
    Example 2 (average); Pulling a knife on an estate agent near Avranches.
    Large bribe required for this one, but she gave me the money back
    Dentist, Jul 4, 2008
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  2. Sounds like ex-hubby might have done the deed on himself just to

    Phil Launchbury, Jul 4, 2008
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  3. Dentist

    Big Dave Guest

    Your reward will be in heaven, my son.
    Big Dave, Jul 4, 2008
  4. Dentist

    darsy Guest


    that's brightened my day up - cheers!
    darsy, Jul 4, 2008
  5. Dentist

    CT Guest

    Sounds like her next jaunt ought to be to Broadmoor.
    CT, Jul 4, 2008
  6. Dentist

    Tosspot Guest

    Dentist wrote:

    Bwaahaaa, come on, fess up, who has *not* wanted to do this?
    Tosspot, Jul 4, 2008
  7. Dentist

    Dentist Guest

    On a serious note, I'm hoping she'll be sectioned, or whatever they call
    it now, before she actually does some physical damage, to herself or
    others. I finally left her in her local hospital, with a minder, before
    I got my train home.
    Dentist, Jul 4, 2008
  8. Dentist

    Dentist Guest

    There's no shame there, it crossed my mind a few times, as well as just
    passing the problem to the local gendarmes.
    Dentist, Jul 4, 2008
  9. Dentist

    Cane Guest

    Cane, Jul 4, 2008
  10. Dentist

    Dentist Guest

    He wasn't the type, I think. But I have wondered if he might have done a
    runner and I'll get a phone call one day.
    Dentist, Jul 4, 2008
  11. Dentist

    CT Guest

    My current experiences mean that estate agents are nowhere as far up my
    hit list as conveyancing solicitors, who are obviously the spawn of
    CT, Jul 4, 2008
  12. If you no longer have any ties to this psycho in the way of nephews and
    nieces, I'd dump the ****, as far and as fast a possible, iiwy.
    GS850x2 XS650 SE6a

    "It's a moron working with power tools.
    How much more suspenseful can you get?"
    - House
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jul 4, 2008
  13. Dentist

    Nige Guest

    Jesus wept, sounds like she needs a kick in the ****.
    Nige, Jul 4, 2008
  14. Dentist

    Dentist Guest

    that's the therapy I'm talking about. ;-)
    Dentist, Jul 4, 2008
  15. Dentist

    Dentist Guest

    That is indeed the plan, now that the hotel strait-jacket is her likely
    next address.
    Dentist, Jul 4, 2008
  16. Dentist

    Paul - xxx Guest


    Having seen a 'customs officer' in action when someone said much the
    same thing at Gatwick I can imagine the hilarity that ensued ... for
    all the onlookers that is ... ;)
    Paul - xxx, Jul 4, 2008
  17. Dentist

    Higgins Guest

    Still having trouble then?
    Higgins, Jul 4, 2008
  18. Dentist

    CT Guest

    You're good at reading between the lines :eek:)
    CT, Jul 4, 2008
  19. Dentist

    Higgins Guest

    I was oping for a bit of elucidation; I might even have been sympathetic.
    Higgins, Jul 4, 2008
  20. Dentist

    CT Guest

    Higgins wrote:
    Oh, OK.

    My issues are wide and varied but can be summed up by:

    "Why do queries & issues that should have been brought up several
    months ago only come to the fore when we are imminently about to
    exchange contracts"[1]

    [1] For a week and a half we have been exchanging "tomorrow".
    CT, Jul 4, 2008
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