Parlez-vous Francais?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by antonye, Oct 2, 2003.

  1. antonye

    Statto Guest

    The look Adie gave Bonners when he found a room key in with his ferry
    ticket, passport etc. would have made a Paddington Hard Stare feel
    somewhat inadequate.
    Statto, Oct 8, 2003
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  2. antonye

    Simian Guest

    Hog :
    If it were the wild and generally debauched lifestyle coupled
    with long and feature packed holidays to remote, breathtaking
    parts of the world, then no.

    Unfortunately, it's mostly work and the current lack of cleaning
    staff about the house.

    Or did you mean for everybody else?
    Simian, Oct 8, 2003
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  3. No.[/QUOTE]

    The whole concept of irony seems to have escaped you Des..

    Phil Launchbury, Oct 8, 2003
  4. *nice*
    William Grainger, Oct 8, 2003
  5. Not by anyone with an ounce of common sense. He's his own man, is Doc.
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 8, 2003
  6. I don't really care now, anyway. I don't x-no-archive any more, and it's
    not as if I'm hard to find.
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 8, 2003
  7. antonye

    Simian Guest

    The Older Gentleman :
    Only because no-one else would have him.
    Simian, Oct 9, 2003
  8. antonye

    darsy Guest

    darsy, Oct 9, 2003
  9. antonye

    Zymurgy Guest

    Doc Gonz0 wrote
    Eew, I hate Advocaat ;) [1]



    [1] Sorry to hang off your post Doc, but Des doesn't archive his posts.
    Zymurgy, Oct 9, 2003
  10. antonye

    Cab Guest

    Oh shit. That means I'm French? No one told me.
    Cab, Oct 10, 2003
  11. antonye

    Andy Wegg Guest

    Desmond Coughlan muttered

    Is this bit "... they enjoy total and complete immunity from
    criticism, thanks to the special status as pin-ups that they enjoy
    among the Inner Council. Many Goils make the most of this protection,
    by posting some of the most fuckwitted, inane, moronic, dipshitted,
    thoughtless, downright spastic comments ever posted to a usenet group.
    Dare to point out their colossal stupidity, however, and both they and
    Level I, will accuse you of being a 'woman-hater'.
    ....." also 'tongue in cheek'?

    Andy Wegg, Oct 10, 2003
  12. antonye

    Andy Wegg Guest

    I'm not having a go at you here Des, but that is *not* tongue in
    cheek. If you'd deleted most of the polemic, then maybe, but with
    that venom in it, no way.

    Seriously, mate. Get a life. This is just usenet, it doesn't matter.
    Andy Wegg, Oct 10, 2003
  13. antonye

    Simian Guest

    Desmond Coughlan :
    So when you wrote it on here, it was also tongue in cheek?

    Ah! As was the CAT stuff, and the rattle throwing, and the
    Frenchness, and everything!

    I've got it now, you're not really a twat, just the worlds
    worst sit-down comedian.
    Simian, Oct 10, 2003
  14. antonye

    Andy Wegg Guest

    My question was rhetorical...
    Andy Wegg, Oct 10, 2003
  15. antonye

    Andy Wegg Guest

    Desmond Coughlan muttered
    Ah, I see. Funny is as funny does, I guess. Try reading it from the
    point of view of a "dispassionate passer-by" and see if the humour is
    still there.... then again smoke induced humour is generally
    transitory and the next day you can't remember what was _so_ damn
    Cool. I know you have been on the receiving end of some serious shit,
    but what goes round comes around, as Bear has found out.
    Andy Wegg, Oct 11, 2003
  16. I can't square your final remark with the real sense of feeling and
    belief in the preceding comments. Now either you really do believe those
    comments - and you've written some of them many, many times - and are
    prepared to stand by them which makes the "tongue in cheek" reference

    Or else you would have no need whatsoever to make them other than to
    waste our time or make yourself appear to be something you aren't.

    Which is it?

    Oh and I was mortally offended to be lumped into the "others" category
    in your "analysis" of ukrm cliquedom. You should know I'm *far* more
    important than that.
    Paul Corfield, Oct 11, 2003
  17. antonye

    Abso Guest

    Fact is of course, some posters to UKRM are more equal than others.
    There's an underlying theme to much of your moaning that indicates that
    you rail against this supposed injustice but FFS understand it and live
    with it.

    How did Bear come to be in a position to criticise you and others
    without being challenged? Is it because there's a secret conspiracy
    that has Bear on a protected list of posters and you blacklisted for
    undisclosed crimes, or is it a result of the fact that he has
    successfully fought his corner and brow beaten into submission those
    who argued against his strongly expressed views in the past?

    Can you accept that just because no one follows up in opposition to a
    poster it doesn't mean that all agree with him? Perhaps it simply
    means that they can do without the argument that *will* ensue so they
    don't bother.

    I know that for my own part I frequently form the view that another
    poster's comments are fatuous or downright twatted but I would rarely
    point that out as I tend not to seek out conflict. Others frequently
    take the opposite course and charge in to set the world to rights. If
    they pull it off without being made to look a **** then they earn the
    kind of kudos which in future will discourage others from challenging
    their views. That's the way it worked for Bear (up to a point when,
    IMHO he went too far) and it also works for some others here.

    Btw, complaining that "it's not fair" has the opposite effect. Muchos
    negative kudos points.
    Abso, Oct 11, 2003
  18. But why do you have any expectation at all that anyone on UKRM will come
    and "defend" you? It isn't as if UKRM owes you anything. It doesn't owe
    me anything or I it. When push comes to absolute shove it's a pile of
    words displayed on computer screens.

    Yes there are friendships and relationships that sit behind that but
    they have a value of their own and they are, in reality, completely
    separate from the cyberspace world of UKRM. If you were secure in those
    friendships and relationships you would know that they would have more
    strength and value than the nonsense that is chucked around on here.
    For those few people who I consider to be friends from this group I know
    that to be the case.
    Well please shut up about it and stop recalling old boring tedious
    pieces of history. Then some of us might start to believe that you are
    actually aren't bothered about it.
    Paul Corfield, Oct 11, 2003
  19. antonye

    Hog Guest

    Hog, Oct 11, 2003
  20. which to me says it all. You aren't going to change. This is all just
    one big game on your part.
    Paul Corfield, Oct 12, 2003
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