Parking in Carlisle

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by gm4jnw, Dec 29, 2005.

  1. gm4jnw

    gm4jnw Guest

    Can someone tell me if there is cheaper parking in Carlisle for
    motorcycles or do you have to pay full parking prices?
    If so is the parking restricted to certain areas?
    gm4jnw, Dec 29, 2005
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  2. gm4jnw

    wessie Guest

    emerged from their own little world to say
    Everything's cheap in Carlisle
    wessie, Dec 29, 2005
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  3. gm4jnw

    YTC#1 Guest

    Ask a traffic warden
    YTC#1, Dec 30, 2005
  4. gm4jnw

    andy m Guest

    For cars most street parking in Carlisle is residents only and you need a
    It's difficult to park anywhere near the city centre if you don't have a
    disc, unless you use the multi storeys (which fill up very quickly).

    For bikes I dunno, I suspect there's no difference.
    andy m, Dec 30, 2005
  5. gm4jnw

    David Mahon Guest

    Telephone: 01228 625090

    When I emailed my local council (not Carlisle) they wrote back a few
    hours later with a list of all the car parks with free motorcycle bays
    (and said that I could park in a car bay if I bought a car ticket). IIRC
    they've since updated their web page to show the information on there.
    David Mahon, Dec 30, 2005
  6. gm4jnw

    gm4jnw Guest

    Thanks everyone - David may do the same as you did and email Carlisle
    because the link supplied does not mention bikes. I know in the past I
    have used motorcycle bays in Scarborough which were free. Went into the
    lanes in Carlisle but no mention of prices for bikes either so just
    paid full.
    gm4jnw, Dec 30, 2005
  7. gm4jnw

    DR Guest

    Motorcycles park for free in designated areas of off-street car parks.
    DO NOT use The Lanes multistorey car park; it's a pay-to-exit thing
    with barriers etc. and all vehicles pay regardless of type. There is
    an area in front of the main railway station which is popular for
    bikes, and they don't mind you chaining your bike to the railings
    DR, Dec 30, 2005
  8. gm4jnw

    gm4jnw Guest

    Thought everyone who is interested in this issue might like details of
    an email I recieved from the council:
    I can advise you that there are designated motorcycle bays in the
    Long stay car park (beside the Castle) Please find enclosed a list of
    unfortunately there is no reduction.
    gm4jnw, Jan 3, 2006
  9. gm4jnw

    DR Guest

    Really? I thought bikes parked for free - the tickets dispensed by
    the machines aren't even stick-on ones, so where are we supposed to
    put them? Twats.
    DR, Jan 3, 2006
  10. gm4jnw

    wessie Guest

    DR emerged from their own little world to say

    I've come across some P&D parks but I've never bought a ticket. I've never
    been issued with a parking ticket either: if it happened I would just claim
    I purchased a ticket and that their community must be inhabited by thieving
    wessie, Jan 3, 2006
  11. gm4jnw

    MattG Guest

    Same here. Although I would point out that the fine is for "failure to
    display" so claiming it's been nicked isn't a sure get out.
    MattG, Jan 3, 2006
  12. gm4jnw

    wessie Guest

    MattG emerged from their own little world to say
    I've never had to test the idea fortunately.

    I have asked wardens in both Herefordshire & Monmouthshire. Both councils
    provide m/c bays and theoretically expect someone parking in a car bay to
    pay whatever the vehicle. The wardens in both counties, when asked, said
    they don't check bikes parked in car bays. Like Carlisle, the tickets in
    Mon. are not sticky anyway.
    wessie, Jan 3, 2006
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