Parked on sidewalk in SF, no astroglide offered

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Vijoy Abraham, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. man, two hours on the sidewalk while I watched a movie at a friend's place
    to come out and find a one-friggin'-hundred dollar ticket (that's $100 boys
    and girls) on my bike! man, bored cops. or I suppose an uptight neighbor
    called it in. shoulda gone for the hydrant...

    Vijoy Abraham, Sep 23, 2004
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  2. just got the bike, and just got onto so I didn't know about the
    crackdown. thanks for the info.

    0.001 hours on the sidewalk is all it would take for me to deserve the
    ticket. if it's The Law, it's The Law. I just think $100 is ridiculous for
    such a transgression. $400 for a red light runner? hand'em out like cotton
    candy. but please- a parking ticket?
    Vijoy Abraham, Sep 24, 2004
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  3. I still see people parking on Beale/Mission, so enforcement must be variable

    Anyway, yeah, it's lame that it's cheaper to park at a hydrant or in the red
    zones, but we're an unintended consequence. The pedestrian advocates were tired
    of cars blocking sidewalks in certain neighborhoods and pushed this through.
    Jason O'Rourke, Sep 25, 2004
  4. Sidewalk parking is usually enforced only upon a complaint --
    and then they'll ticket all offending vehicles on the block.

    I've never seen an SFPD officer issue such a citation, it's
    always (in my experience) DPT.

    If the lack of moto parking bugs you, there is an action
    planned this Christmas shopping (redundant) season --
    motorcycles will take up car parking spaces, one each.
    Union Square has been suggested as a proper venue.
    Michael Sierchio, Sep 26, 2004
  5. Nope. But there are 1200 dedicated motorcycle spaces for 15000 bikes,
    not counting the daytime commuters.
    Michael Sierchio, Sep 27, 2004
  6. so take up a full car space.
    get your friends to do the same. one bike per space, ideally all in a
    row. keep it up along with a letter-to-the-comical campaign suggesting
    this is ludicruous.
    John R Pierce, Sep 27, 2004
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