
Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by bikerbetty, Dec 25, 2007.

  1. bikerbetty

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Some, certainly; lots, as in a large percentage of riders, certainly not.
    I think I already knew that. It's just that some people think that all
    people without helmets and/or seatbelts cannot possibly get home alive.

    Theo Bekkers, Dec 27, 2007
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  2. In on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 13:37:11 +0900
    Dunno... Of all crashes, no. Of all crashes where a helmet might
    make a difference, that's harder to say, but Harry Hurt seems to think
    Absolutely. Just as some think that without a fullface you will be
    horribly disfigured, or without leathers you will lose all your skin.

    Some people have really interesting risk compensation issues I think.
    Such as after someone did a bunch of wheelying stunts, stuffed one up,
    and got his face badly broken when a whole bike landed on it, his
    mates all howled that the Oz standard for helmets was defective
    because it didn't test chinbars and obviously the chinbar was

    Zebee Johnstone, Dec 27, 2007
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  3. bikerbetty

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Yup. Safety equipment allows people to be more stupid, but terminal
    stupidity is, well.. terminal.

    I think that safety equipment that makes you uncomfortable, particularly for
    long periods, is unsafe.

    Theo Bekkers, Dec 27, 2007
  4. bikerbetty

    atec77 Guest

    Helmets can and will kill you
    I lost a mate through a broken neck in a drop , looked alseep but wasn't

    I remember one arvo we finsihed work and the wog bloke ( a greek) took

    off out the gate straight into the side of an old Austin denting it (1972)

    hugly, all he had was a head ache and the car had massive damage where

    he head butted it :).

    Helmets might save as well I guess but I only ever

    fell once wearing one and it was a nice open face ( on a sprotster)

    s o I wasn't going that fast :p.
    atec77, Dec 27, 2007
  5. bikerbetty

    Yeebers Guest

    OK Consider this scenario :
    I am in a room with a gun.
    You're outside, told this, handed a bullet proof vest and told to go in.

    Not putting it on first would be rather silly. May not protect where you
    got shot *if* I fired, eg in the leg, but a safety garment was available
    and not used, regardless of whether it was legally required to do so or
    not - it was available, but not used.
    Yeebers, Dec 27, 2007
  6. bikerbetty

    Yeebers Guest

    I can vouch for my nolan n102 (flip front) taking quite a beating to the
    front recently when I did a faceplant at about 80km/h.. definitely saved
    me a busted nose and 15K in false teeth.. didn't protect the bike itself
    any, sadly.

    Only fallen like that once, and that's plenty.
    Yeebers, Dec 27, 2007
  7. bikerbetty

    atec77 Guest

    Even with a vest you are vulinerable , and if shot may still die or
    suffer severe bruising.. and trust me vests don't protect you from the
    pain of impact.. physics youknow..
    Not a great simile but sorta ok .
    atec77, Dec 27, 2007
  8. bikerbetty

    atec77 Guest

    We agree then , nothing like ripping down a fairly agricultural strip of
    back road on a sprung hub flat out at 105 mpg with the wind in ones Da
    atec77, Dec 27, 2007
  9. bikerbetty

    Dale Porter Guest

    My father was a journo for Channel 10 (and Channel 0 before it became 10) in
    Melbourne for quite a few years during my youth, and these days he lectures
    here and there at schools and universities about news reporting. One of the
    main thing he impresses on his students......News is more about
    entertainment than anything else.

    Dale Porter, Dec 27, 2007
  10. bikerbetty

    Nev.. Guest

    That might be useful analogy if you're the type of rider who gets on
    their bike, puts on a blindfold and then fires themselves off into
    oblivion without due care.
    How about something more realistic. There are 100 almost identical
    rooms. You _may_ be in one of the rooms with a gun. I am outside the
    rooms, and I don't know which room you're in, and inside each room there
    is furniture and other fittings which would provide protection from a
    bullet. There is a small window in each door that I can look through
    before I choose to enter. You hand me a bullet proof vest. I make an
    appropriate risk assessment.

    '04 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Dec 27, 2007
  11. Amen

    I used to direct news for HSV7 in Melbourne and worked as an editor
    for 60 minutes in Sydney and SBS in Sydney among a lot of other media
    shit I've done since leaving school. (Do I dare mention that I was
    directing Hinch's current affair show for ATN7 when it first went

    I really got well and truly over the media in the 80s. The hypocrisy
    drove me mad. I moved sideways into post production only to find
    advertising agency wankers driving me mad. Now I'm in animation and
    making kiddie's cartoons. Much more sane.

    I find the pedestal the media is put on very frustrating. Look behind
    the scenes and it is pretty much bullshit.
    Kevin Gleeson, Dec 27, 2007
  12. I agree. I don't think anyone can argue that it will throw the odds
    your way. There will be no guarantee though. My mum was in a car
    accident in the 60s where she probably would have died if she HAD been
    wearing a seatbelt. But she certainly wears one all the time now.
    Kevin Gleeson, Dec 27, 2007
  13. In on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:36:33 +1100
    It will throw the odds your way in a low speed crash where the head
    hits something.

    In a high speed crash it is unlikely to make a difference unless you
    scrub off plenty of speed somehow before your head hits the solid

    There's also the problem that it's only going to be of use if you
    don't get some other fatal injury. In urban crashes I believe the
    usual injury is to the legs which isn't usually fatal but isn't about
    helmets either. Rural crashes I don't know, I guess it depends on
    whether it's a lowside or a high side or a head on or someone going

    I dunno if any stats are available about the number of crashes
    involving heads. The only one I know of is a comparison study done in
    Vic some time ago which couldn't draw any conclusion about full vs
    open face because the number of crashes involving damage to helmets
    was so low.

    The counter-argument is that wearing a lid is not that much of an
    imposition so why not? I've ridden lidless and lidded, and for
    some riding lidless is more pleasant, but not enough to really worry

    On the other hand, there have been times when I've pulled the pushbike
    helmet off because it *is* too unpleasant wearing it.

    <note: I have had a crash where I hit my head while wearing a helmet,
    and sustained a head injury. I have no way to know if the injury
    would have been worse or not without it as I do not plan to re-do the
    incident to gain that data. And unless I do, I *can't* know. I can
    only guess.>

    Zebee Johnstone, Dec 27, 2007
  14. bikerbetty

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Long before I got to the end of this my eyes glazed over.

    It's a conspiracy, right?

    I think it is just laziness on the part of the reporter, teamed with an
    overwhelming desire to get the story out there first. It's never been much

    Theo Bekkers, Dec 27, 2007
  15. bikerbetty

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Aye, I've ridden sprung hubs but it was my brother who had a Triumph, I had
    a BSA A7, and it never went over 100 mph, or 80 mpg. Ahh, when you could go
    the ton without breaking some stupid law.

    Theo Bekkers, Dec 27, 2007
  16. bikerbetty

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Going down the gun club wearing shorts and a tank-top (whatever happened to
    them) with two or three pistol cases strapped to the rack, and a pocket full
    of ammo.

    Theo Bekkers, Dec 27, 2007
  17. bikerbetty

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    No, going in would be silly. I would rather a) walk away or b) roll a
    grenade in the door or c) use the American method, go 1000 miles away and
    fire a million dollar cruise missile at you.

    You're working on the premise that 'accidents' aren't avoidable. I start
    with the presumption that they are, and I actively work towards making sure
    that they are avoided. On the rare ocassion that I have an unexpected close
    call, I ask why and how I got myself into that situation.

    Zebee can explain this much better than I, but you're probably too young and
    stupid to get the message.

    (it's still harsh week, isn't it?)

    Theo Bekkers, Dec 27, 2007
  18. bikerbetty

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    So what stupid thing did you do to cause you to fall? Maybe it was some-one
    else's fault?

    Theo Bekkers, Dec 27, 2007
  19. bikerbetty

    Toosmoky Guest

    I am in a street with a car.
    You're in the next street, told this, given the choice of a car or a
    motorcycle and told to ride down the street with the car.

    Not taking the car would be rather silly. May not protect you against a
    bad prang *If* the other car hit you, eg head injuries, but a safer
    option was available and not used, regardless of whether it was legally
    required to do so or not - it was available, but not used.

    I am in a street with a car.
    You're in the next street, told this, given the choice of a car or
    taking the bus and told to ride down the street with the car.

    Not taking the bus would be rather silly. May not protect you against a
    bad thing happening, eg collision and fire, but a safer option was
    available and not used, regardless of whether it was legally required to
    do so or not - it was available, but not used.

    I am in a street with a car.
    You're in the next street, told this, given the choice of staying home
    and going to bed or being told to catch a bus and ride down the street
    with the car.

    Not staying home and going to bed would be rather silly. May not protect
    you against a meteor shower *If* the gods have determined that you suck
    and are going to hell, eg eternal hellfire and damnation, but a safer
    option was available and not used, regardless of whether it was legally
    required to do so or not - it was available, but not used.

    Hey, this is fun...
    Toosmoky, Dec 27, 2007
  20. While you guys are worring about whether or not you're going to hell by
    being run over by a bus, or rained on by a meteor shower...

    I'm already on the bike, enjoying myself and getting on with life.

    If you want me, I'll be at my destination.

    And considering that I want to be left alone, this is a perfect outcome for
    me. You'll never want me because I can't hear my f*ucking phone ringing
    through the plugs and helmet, and you're not likely to come out of your house
    for fear of being run over by a bus or rained on by a meteor shower.
    John Tserkezis, Dec 27, 2007
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