Painting number plate

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by will_s, Dec 24, 2010.

  1. will_s

    VTR250 Guest

    I think they may be able to get you for it if they try. The rules are
    search for "Division 5 - Number-plates"

    From my understanding of the wording, both in NSW and VIC, you are
    allowed to display the special place if you have paid the fee. I
    cannot find any rule to say that, having paid the fee for a special
    numberplate you cannot re-paint shocking-pink on black to lime on
    black (provided they come in that colourscheme).

    I don't think you will be able to tart up a standard colour
    numberplate unless you pay the fee for a special numberplate. In VIC,
    it appears to be 10 penalty points (surely there are some grounds for
    discretion?!) but I can't find the tariff for NSW.

    But I may be imagining all that and it might not break any rule. Can
    any of the people who think it is an offence say which one?
    VTR250, Jan 4, 2011
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  2. will_s

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    How about this one?
    27 . Prohibition on painting or interfering with number plates
    (1) Subject to subregulation (2), except for the purpose of
    reinstating it to its original condition a person shall not paint or
    otherwise interfere with, or suffer any other person to paint or interfere
    with, an identification tablet or number plate that has been issued to him
    by the Director General.

    Theo Bekkers, Jan 4, 2011
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  3. No such regulation in NSW. However:
    1. 22A implies that only the RTA may alter the design of a number plate.
    2. The number plate regulations taken as a whole imply that only number
    plates issued by the RTA are legal.

    Whether there is a loophole that permits you to switch between RTA
    approved liveries for your numberplate is unclear. However, I read
    somewhere that the background (now white in every Australian
    jurisdiction, I believe) has to be retroreflective paint.
    Andrew McKenna, Jan 4, 2011
  4. will_s

    VTR250 Guest


    Scroll down the page. You can get baby-pink on black if it rings your
    bell (in VIC). Not for me but there's always someone who wants it,
    for whatever reason.
    VTR250, Jan 4, 2011
  5. Did IQ's just drop sharply while I was out there in the escape pod for
    57 years? You're as bad as Frosty with his bloody trailer. I was
    referring to New South Wales, where will_s lives and where his
    motorcycle is registered.

    What you might be entitled to do in any other jurisdiction in Australia
    may be interesting (in fact, the variety is fascinating), but it isn't

    And you CAN get retroreflective black, because the retroreflective layer
    sits in front of the pigment - it's just that it's a completely
    self-defeating thing to do.
    Andrew McKenna, Jan 4, 2011
  6. will_s

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    I suggest that painting your own in any jurisdiction in Oz will draw the
    attention, and probably annoyance, of those people in the blue shirts.
    Yes, WA standard plates are blue on white. There is a huge choice of
    personalised plates, which can be almost any colour you want. Mine are black
    on yellow, Helen's car has black on blue. You can even get WA plates with
    the Geelong Cats logo on it. Geezzzz!

    You can have up to seven characters for a bike or other metal plate. If you
    opt for the Acrylic (not for bikes) you can have nine characters on the
    plate. I have seen WOGSWHEELS on a car.

    Plates are the property of the buyer and you can sell the plate to anyone
    you want for any price you want. There are no recurring annual fees for

    Theo Bekkers, Jan 4, 2011
  7. In on Tue, 04 Jan 2011 18:04:54 +1100
    Make up your mind me old son, cos you are looking a bit silly right

    Zebee Johnstone, Jan 4, 2011
  8. I'm clearly too thick to see it. Point, please.
    Andrew McKenna, Jan 4, 2011
  9. In on Tue, 04 Jan 2011 22:40:59 +1100
    Sure. the bit you just snipped said

    (even emphasised for your convenience although if you aren't using a
    decent newsreader it might not be as obvious as it should be)

    When Smack pointed out that it was not white in every jurisdiction you
    then completely ignored what you had said and called him an idiot.

    This making yourself look a bit short in the IQ dept.

    Or unable to read for comprehension which is training rather than
    intelligence as such.

    It is likely that when someone quotes something you say that's what
    they are responding to, rather than something a few posts back.

    Zebee Johnstone, Jan 4, 2011
  10. will_s

    VTR250 Guest

    Rather than IQs dropping sharply while you were away (I took this as a
    refernce to me), I suggest your capsule lost pressure and YOUR brains
    flew out with all the air. Zebee has seen it and you seem to have
    missed it. When I said 'No' it was in reply to...
    My point being that if you do not need to have a white background in
    VIC, then your belief the it must be "white in every Australian
    jurisdiction" is a false belief.


    Anyway, minutiae aside, I think we're all generally agreeing that (1)
    painting the number plate probably is against the rules in any
    jurisdiction - but we don't know which rule you're breaking(*) in NSW
    or what the penalty might be even after consulting the on-line edition
    of the applicable laws, and (2) it will probably not be noticed if
    it's done very well. It's your decision.

    * I believe this /normally/ means that it's a tricky one and the
    police will have to get legal advice before doing anything, so don't
    worry about it too much.
    VTR250, Jan 4, 2011
  11. In on Tue, 4 Jan 2011 13:35:00 -0800 (PST)
    It means that they will just get you on anything else they can.

    Depending on how well you pass the attitude test. IF you pass it they
    might say "Get it fixed now". If you don't then they'll defect it and
    call it unregistered and you will have to fight it in court.

    Zebee Johnstone, Jan 4, 2011
  12. OK, I understand now. My apologies.

    Can I just point out (in my defence) that if you had done the modest
    amount of snipperage seen above the first time, none of this confusion
    would have arisen. I thought you were contesting my points about the NSW
    Andrew McKenna, Jan 4, 2011
  13. will_s

    VTR250 Guest

    Oh I see it's my fault!
    VTR250, Jan 5, 2011
  14. will_s

    atec77 Guest

    atec77, Jan 5, 2011
  15. Not at all, I've already acknowledged my error and apologised. I merely
    assert a little contributory negligence on your part. :)
    Andrew McKenna, Jan 5, 2011
  16. will_s

    VTR250 Guest

    No. The OP contains the words "I have white on black and was thinking
    of hot pink on black"
    Apologise to me without reservation. ;-)
    VTR250, Jan 5, 2011
  17. Heh! Unreserved apologies for this and all future transgressions. There,
    that ought to cover it.
    Andrew McKenna, Jan 5, 2011
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