[QUOTE] Have a personalised one and was wondering instead of paying heaps of dollars to the RTA why not get a sign painter to touch it up in the colour you want ? I have white on black and was thinking of hot pink on black ....... Illegal ? but would all the plods know or the different colour schemes available ? Why I am on it, local bike shop doesnt have them but I want to get a number plater holder ... one that is sealed and you just put you plate in and then attach that to the bike .. saw a couple a while ago and they looked good but have no idea on where to get them . Any ideas ?[/QUOTE] I think they may be able to get you for it if they try. The rules are here [URL]http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_reg/rtrr2007478/[/URL] search for "Division 5 - Number-plates" From my understanding of the wording, both in NSW and VIC, you are allowed to display the special place if you have paid the fee. I cannot find any rule to say that, having paid the fee for a special numberplate you cannot re-paint shocking-pink on black to lime on black (provided they come in that colourscheme). I don't think you will be able to tart up a standard colour numberplate unless you pay the fee for a special numberplate. In VIC, it appears to be 10 penalty points (surely there are some grounds for discretion?!) but I can't find the tariff for NSW. But I may be imagining all that and it might not break any rule. Can any of the people who think it is an offence say which one?