Paing Christofire

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by ogden, Jun 28, 2004.

  1. ogden

    Champ Guest

    er, none of the above. I've just picked at it ineffectually with my
    nails occasionally.
    Champ, Jun 29, 2004
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  2. ogden

    Ace Guest

    "Interesting Insertions" Nos. 287 and 346 in a series of thousands...
    Ace, Jun 29, 2004
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  3. ogden

    AndrewR Guest

    Absolutely, but FT is aimed at ensuring the rich stay rich and the poor stay
    poor. It's a lovely little bit of double-speak, with "Fair Trade" actually
    meaning "Restrictive Trade".

    The amusing bit is the flocks of Gruniad readers who go out of their way to
    give extra money to big manufacturers to help them fight off competition
    from the 3rd world.
    Very true.
    have cared.

    This is becoming increasingly the case with modern life, fortunately I'm not

    If Blind Pew would just get cannabis legalised then he could probably rule
    until they have to scrape his festering corpse out of the chair.

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Jun 29, 2004
  4. ogden

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Do you include CAFOD and Tear Fund, say, in your definition of big
    Ben Blaney, Jun 29, 2004
  5. ogden

    sweller Guest

    Impressed but not surprised.
    sweller, Jun 29, 2004
  6. Sensible policies for a happier Britain.

    Or something...
    Darren Robinson, Jun 29, 2004
  7. ogden

    Christofire Guest

    I'm sure a few more won't make a difference.
    Christofire, Jun 29, 2004
  8. It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
    drugs began to take hold. I remember "Dr Ivan D. Reid"

    T P
    H R M
    I H O U
    ^ K O E O H
    T S O
    H T



    GS 850 x2 / SE 6a
    FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19 COSOC#10
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jun 29, 2004
  9. ogden

    Ben Guest

    Is that like reading Playboy for the articles?
    Ben, Jun 29, 2004
  10. ogden

    Ace Guest


    Now Ben[1], just you try reading that in your poxy proportional font!

    [1] Or whoever it was.
    Ace, Jun 29, 2004
  11. ogden

    Ace Guest

    On the original it did, sure, but successive postings have misplaced
    it because of different posters quoting prefixes.
    Ace, Jun 30, 2004
  12. ogden

    darsy Guest

    darsy, Jun 30, 2004
  13. indeed.

    <onatop from James Bond mode>


    Paul Corfield, Jun 30, 2004
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