paging WUN - airlines

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by wessie, Nov 10, 2008.

  1. wessie

    wessie Guest

    I imagine the taxman will keep quiet about it. It's a small percentage
    compared to the other revenues associated with the flights plus the
    thousands of jobs.
    wessie, Nov 12, 2008
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  2. wessie

    Tosspot Guest

    I suspect this is common, FlyBe, my preferred not very pikey, but
    pikey enough to be annoying, airline do this as well. I don't think
    you can avoid it, but next time I'm at the airport, I'm going to ask
    in person at the desk, since you get charged for CC online, by phone,
    that leaves one alternative.
    Tosspot, Nov 12, 2008
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  3. wessie

    Tosspot Guest

    That's rich. At least FlyBe only do it per booking.
    Tosspot, Nov 12, 2008
  4. wessie

    Tosspot Guest

    See thread up there ----^ I'd like to be able to easily compare the
    cost of two carriers, rather than get all the way to the payment
    screen before I know the all up cost. What's worse, is since some
    carriers don't hide costs, they *appear* to be more expensive.

    Which reminds me, I wonder how much FlyPikey are going to charge me to
    move a poker table top :(
    Tosspot, Nov 12, 2008
  5. wessie

    Gyp Guest

    In message
    Perhaps not low in absolute terms but perhaps lower in relative terms.

    When I bought mine, the equivalent spec'd Golf was £4k more and the
    equivalent Audi was (IIRC) £7k more than I paid for the Octavia.

    I have had a couple of minor problems [1], but I suspect I'd have been a
    lot more pissed off about them if I'd paid Audi money.

    [1] Big thanks to Black Mike for push starting it a Donington when it
    was about a month old
    Gyp, Nov 12, 2008
  6. wessie

    Ace Guest

    I imagine so. But they're not the only airline that plays around with
    it. I flew to the UK on BA recently, and because Jude was coming back
    from the US, I booked into Business Class so's we could sit together.
    Cost me 20,000 airmiles instead of 15,000 but I've got loads, so
    wasn;'t in the least bit bothered. But when it came to paying the tax
    - WTF? they're charging more "tax" on an airmiles-booked flight in
    Business than in Economy. Only by a couple of quid, but it's clearly
    not all going back to the chancellor.

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace ( at
    \`\ | /`/
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2, IBB#10
    Ace, Nov 12, 2008
  7. wessie

    Pete Fisher Guest

    Fair comment. Wasn't the battery going flat was it Still reckon mine
    was actually the radio firmware glitch (though possibly only affecting
    the MkII Stream unit?) despite what my dealer says.

    The fubar aircon compressor was a bit discouraging. Done under the
    additional 3rd year 'dealer warranty', but makes me wonder if something
    else major may go pop soon now it is in to MoT territory.

    | Pete Fisher at Home: |
    | Voxan Roadster Gilera Nordwest * 2 Yamaha WR250Z |
    | Gilera GFR * 2 Moto Morini 2C/375 Morini 350 "Forgotten Error" |
    Pete Fisher, Nov 12, 2008
  8. wessie

    Adrian Guest

    It would be. Air Passenger Duty is lower on seats in cattle than in
    Adrian, Nov 12, 2008
  9. wessie

    Ace Guest

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace ( at
    \`\ | /`/
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2, IBB#10
    Ace, Nov 12, 2008
  10. wessie

    Gyp Guest

    No, the lack of starting was because the switch end fell off of the lock
    I think that's the only other proper problem I've had, the nut falling
    off of the air con pulley which then sat on the under tray waiting to be
    bolted back on again.
    Gyp, Nov 12, 2008
  11. wessie

    Pete Fisher Guest

    Apparently the MKII compressor is different, and makes a proper job of
    | Pete Fisher at Home: |
    | Voxan Roadster Gilera Nordwest * 2 Yamaha WR250Z |
    | Gilera GFR * 2 Moto Morini 2C/375 Morini 350 "Forgotten Error" |
    Pete Fisher, Nov 12, 2008
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