paging WUN - airlines

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by wessie, Nov 10, 2008.

  1. wessie

    wessie Guest

    It seems the great unwashed agree with you

    In a survey of 24595

    838 said Ryanair was their favourite (compared to 4693[1] for BA)

    4669[1] said they would never fly with Ryanair again.

    Incidentally 2321 said they wouldn't use BA again so they are obviously a
    bit hit & miss.

    [1] highest figures in each category
    wessie, Nov 10, 2008
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  2. wessie

    Tosspot Guest

    So it's not just me, they really are a badly run cattle truck in the
    air, twice as bad as BA, who do set the bar low, and they're
    handicapped by LHR ffs. Given they lose repeat business, that means
    that they must be relying on new customers a lot, and that's not going
    to last forever.

    Nobody likes hidden charges either, no surprise there.
    Tosspot, Nov 11, 2008
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  3. wessie

    Pete Fisher Guest

    <Has a look at report>

    An on-line survey ?

    Rather self selecting aren't they? I mean those that want to complain
    take the time to complete them and they tend to be the people with very
    high expectations. I used to know someone who never, ever, returned
    from a holiday without finding something to complain about and trying to
    get compensation.

    Ryanair also are in the top ten *favourite* airlines list at number 7.

    Look, they are a low cost flying bus service serving many destinations
    the majors don't. They get a lot of repeat business from what are
    effectively monopoly routes. As long as no other carrier is prepared to
    offer a competing route they stand a chance of staying in business
    (ignoring the credit crunch effect).

    By all means don't travel with them. Not that you or WUN would be
    wanting to fly to where I do anyway. Less bookings from the jet set
    expecting first class service means lower prices as O'Leary drops them
    to fill the cattle trucks. Suits me.

    | Pete Fisher at Home: |
    | Voxan Roadster Gilera Nordwest * 2 Yamaha WR250Z |
    | Gilera GFR * 2 Moto Morini 2C/375 Morini 350 "Forgotten Error" |
    Pete Fisher, Nov 11, 2008
  4. wessie

    wessie Guest

    Have you ever worked for a Fiat dealer? I did c1986. That was the speech we
    gave customers whenever they rattled off the latest Which? report. Of
    course, everything Which? said was true but it didn't stop Fiat selling 3
    million Unos.
    That twitching, bulging thing on your forehead. Better get it looked at,
    wessie, Nov 11, 2008
  5. BMI Baby are pretty good for a cheap carrier, never used Ryanair but a
    few friends have and their experiences have made me use alternatives
    (Aer Lingus for example). I know they all do it - but the use of single
    tickets for a return flight makes me twitchy. I know somebody that had
    his outward Ryanair flight cancelled, so of course couldn't get a refund
    on his return flight as it was just another single ticket and he
    couldn't get out in time to use it, IYSWIM.
    mike. buckley, Nov 11, 2008
  6. wessie

    72degrees Guest

    Some people still claim that Skoda buyers have 'low expectations'.
    Rattle back in pram. I just don't get this one man crusade of WUN's
    against budget airlines in general and Ryanair in particular.

    72degrees, Nov 11, 2008
  7. wessie

    wessie Guest

    What crusade? He recommends Easyjet for short haul flights fairly

    He is little different to other regular posters here. He praises good
    customer service and highlights poor customer service. I don't see anything
    wrong with that. Vodafone are cunts, btw.
    wessie, Nov 11, 2008
  8. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, 72degrees
    I have no real beef with low cost airlines in general. It's only Ryanair
    and its business practices that I regard as beneath contempt.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Nov 11, 2008
  9. wessie

    72degrees Guest

    Oh, fair enough then. I fully support your right to vote with your
    feet, or rather not your bum on one of their seats IYSWIM.

    So far I have been fortunate not to be on the receiving end of one of
    their cock ups or pricing scams. The hidden charges aren't that secret
    once you start to actually book a flight. The wheel chair business
    was, however, a bit naughty.

    Apropos of which SWMBOs mate who came out to visit us in the summer
    was full of praise for the ground staff at Limoges who helped to get
    him and his wheelchair off the aircaft. Much better than at East
    Midlands he said. Not that is anything to do with O'Leary. Does show
    that small airports can be good in some ways though.

    72degrees, Nov 11, 2008
  10. wessie

    72degrees Guest

    Fair comment. I must have been thinking of the other executive class
    only flyers.
    Granted. Perhaps Ryanair will end up like the IOMSPC or the Caledonian
    lot. Only able to stay in business where they have a monopoly. You get
    what you pay for.

    Vodafone are cunts, btw.

    There again you see, I have never had any trouble with them. As long
    as they are partners with SFR I will stay with them.

    Needs must when the devil drives.

    72degrees, Nov 11, 2008
  11. O'Leary is a ****, all round.
    I'd like to know if he pockets the airport /passenger tax in the UK and
    other countries that he does here, from no-show passengers. The last
    year I had the figures for was 2003, in which the Irish non-forwarded
    tax money amounted to approx ¤23M. Funnily enough, this year his profits
    are reckoned to have plummeted to a mere ¤25M - take away the tax
    pocketed and thusly...
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Nov 11, 2008
  12. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Grimly Curmudgeon
    Of course they do. Naturally, if you cancel your flight Ryanair is
    obliged to return your tax payment. For which they will charge an
    'administration fee'. Oddly, this will be more than the refund that you
    are entitled to...

    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Nov 11, 2008
  13. wessie

    wessie Guest

    Ryanair & Easyjet both do the same in the UK. I imagine any airline that
    operates a no show-no refund policy trousers the cash.

    Why is it O'Leary's fault? He sells things and charges the taxes dictated
    by law. The law says he only has to pass on the tax if he gets a bum on a
    seat. Surely the fault is in the hands of the legislators for writing the
    law in a way that allows the practice?
    wessie, Nov 11, 2008
  14. wessie

    Buzby58 Guest

    I've flown with Ryan Air 7 times this year for not a lot. All bang on
    time albeit in an airbourne minicab. Payes yer money takes yer choice.
    The only thing I find a bit rich is being charged to pay . . . .
    Buzby58, Nov 11, 2008
  15. wessie

    Champ Guest

    heh - that does stick in the craw somewhat, especially as it's per
    person, per flight.
    Champ, Nov 11, 2008
  16. wessie

    wessie Guest

    Surely every other airline will factor in a payment collection overhead
    into their ticket price?

    I thought you were in the "does the total fee charged to get my arse on a
    seat represent good value for money" camp?
    wessie, Nov 12, 2008
  17. wessie

    Champ Guest

    Oh sure, and I accept the justification that it costs them to process
    the transaction. But that is a single cost, no matter how many people
    are flying.
    Well I am, but I get mildly irked when I think they're just trying to
    con me.
    Champ, Nov 12, 2008
  18. Fucking fraud, and I look forward to the day when the Taxmen roast his
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Nov 12, 2008
  19. No flies on them, eh? As would be expected.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Nov 12, 2008
  20. wessie

    wessie Guest

    Well, I thought most card transactions worked on a fixed + x% of the total.
    Plus, the airline is likely to average out that overhead per capita.
    How are they conning you if they tell you about the charge before you

    Apparently, if you use one particular, obscure card that about 0.00000001%
    of the population have then there is no transaction charge. This allows
    Ryanair to advertise their 99p fares.

    Again, Ryanair are working within the law. Perhaps people should put
    pressure on the legislators to tighten the law rather than blame Ryanair
    for sharp practice. There again, perhaps the legislators like all the tax
    revenue Ryanair generate and the jobs created.
    wessie, Nov 12, 2008
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