Paging Wreckferret...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Mike Barnard, Mar 20, 2005.

  1. Mike Barnard

    Mike Barnard Guest

    Email to you was refused as spam apparently. (Harvestable addresses
    hopefully munged).

    This is the Spam Firewall at d p m a i l i u f w 0 1. d o t e a s

    I'm sorry to inform you that the message below could not be delivered.
    When delivery was attempted, the following error was returned.

    <w rec kfe rret @>: connect to dpm ai l
    pu0 t ea[65 .61 .209 .100]:
    Connection refused

    Hiya Wreck.

    You sold these yet? If not, would they suit[sic] a cuddly blob like
    me? 18st, 5'9'', 54 chest but 44 waist and chunky muscular legs? Heh,
    I nearly made myself sound sexy! Only nearly mind.

    Finding something comfortable is a bugger.

    Thanks, and keep the black bits down.

    All the best from us at Windy Worthing
    Mike, Jan and Alex.

    Regards from Mike Barnard
    '96 Yamaha YZF1000 Thunderace in red, white and grime.
    Worthing, West Sussex. UK.

    [To reply by email remove ".trousers" spamtrap from email address]
    Mike Barnard, Mar 20, 2005
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  2. Mike Barnard

    wreckferret Guest

    Nope. You interested, like?

    Email me at ferret @ ewe kay arr emm dot net and we'll sort it out,
    then. I remember now I had the email addy shortened a wee while ago.
    Sorry 'bout that...
    wreckferret, Mar 24, 2005
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