I've just realized that I haven't got a GHPOTHUF#. Am I worthy of such a title?
Well, this is your problem. The Holy Sign should never be abbreviated, and all devotees of The Faith know this. And even it were abbreviated, it would MSOHP. However, ownership of a CG125 (Makes Sign of Holy Pushrods) qualifies you for Noviciate status. I shall be watching your progress keenly, my young apprentice.
You'll watching for a long time then as progress is unlikely to be swift IWHT. I did not in the Bike comparision this month that Honda have finally got round to putting a disc brake on it. About the only (relatively) modern thing on the entire bike, but anyway.
Yea, verily, brethren, ignore the false prophet of the Unholy Stroke Times Two, for he will lead you into the netherworld of holed pistons, rattling little ends, rumbling main bearings and the Stench of the Fumes Incredible.
If it could be done successfully, that would indeed be worthy of entry into the Inner Temple of Pushrods.