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Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Donegal Paul, Oct 22, 2004.

  1. Donegal Paul

    Donegal Paul Guest

    Donegal Paul, Oct 22, 2004
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  2. The Older Gentleman, Oct 22, 2004
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  3. Donegal Paul

    Donegal Paul Guest

    "The Older Gentleman" said to Donegal Paul
    ****, thats mad. It was just over £500 ish when i posted the original
    Donegal Paul
    Lambretta Li186 - crashed and bashed
    Vespa T5 Millenium - Wifey's (technically) - What are YOU doing?
    Donegal Paul, Oct 22, 2004
  4. Donegal Paul

    platypus Guest

    platypus, Oct 22, 2004
  5. It was a dinner jacket. And I am dismayed you remember. Incidentally,
    how are you healing? The loaner bike offer still holds.

    ISTR Windy[1] laughing her socks off at a comparison that someone made
    with Great Uncle Bulgaria....

    I do have a weskit in the same tartan, though.

    [1] May her ashes never fall to earth
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 22, 2004
  6. Donegal Paul

    platypus Guest

    Went AWOL off the back of the CD175, dinnit? I remember everything...

    Healing is starting to get there. The bones have done the sticking-together
    thing, so I now have lumps of callous here and there. I went into work for
    a couple of hours on Wednesday and Thursday, until they discovered that I
    still had a sick cert in force and sent me home with extreme prejudice.
    This gave me a good opportunity to demonstrate the appalling extent of my
    injuries, and muddy the waters WRT sick leave. Prolly back next week.

    I've been driving the Platybus for the last week, which has been fine apart
    from the selection of 2nd gear. The Z200 is functional and legal, so I'll
    take it out for a trundle in the next few days. The Drifter's tax ran out
    at the end of August, and I hadn't gotten round to taxing it by the time I
    was roadkilled, so it's been SORNed for the last 2 munce. I'll tax it from
    the end of this month, and possibly resurrect the BMW, so I'm not short of
    two-wheeled conveyances.
    Heh. I remember that...
    platypus, Oct 22, 2004
  7. Donegal Paul

    petrolcan Guest

    the cont known as The Older Gentleman says...
    I was chatting to a mechanic recently and he had one those in the
    workshop. Perfectly restored over the past year. Quite impressive
    considering the mech had done all the work himself despite having lost
    the use of one of his arms.

    According to him he had been offered £2K for it recently <boggle>
    petrolcan, Oct 22, 2004
  8. I've seen them going for more than that. Boggle, indeed.
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 22, 2004

  9. GT750, so you don't remember *everything*......
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 22, 2004
  10. Donegal Paul

    platypus Guest

    Just testing :eek:)
    platypus, Oct 22, 2004
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