Paging TOG.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Zymurgy, May 4, 2004.

  1. Zymurgy

    Zymurgy Guest

    Being as I singularly failed to say any words to you over the weekend

    1) Thanks for the trip, as always. Excellent weekend.

    2) Where can I get a rebuild gasket set for a CB250N carb, at a
    reasonable cost. Do you have one in your gasket box ? Failing that,
    just the o rings for the inlet tract where they attach to the carb
    body and a float bowl gasket.


    Zymurgy, May 4, 2004
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  2. Zymurgy

    Robbo Guest

    Zymurgy in "Quiet as usual" shocker
    Thought it were quiet on here
    Feckin make one or alternatively tell me the diameter and thickness and I'll
    look in the big box of O rings at work.
    Contact Details

    Addr: Unit 2 Station Approach, Victoria Station, Manchester, Lancashire.
    M3 1NY

    Tel: 0161 8328646
    Opening Times
    Mon: 10.30 until 18.30
    Tues: 10.30 until 18.30
    Wed: 10.30 until 18.30
    Thur: 10.30 until 18.30
    Fri: 10.30 until 18.30
    Sat: 11.00 until 16.00
    Sun: Closed

    1500GL 1988 Goldwing (Rebuild in process)
    BMW K100 RS 1984
    "Fairly Quick" status. Silver level
    BotaFOF #19. E.O.S.M 2001/2002/2003.
    B.O.S.M 2003/4.FURSWB#1 KotL..YTC449
    Robbo, May 4, 2004
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