You've got mail! (at the chateau......pipex addy)
The you've got mail thing? I have an email address that I use day to day but to avoid exposing that domain to the spam bots I use a freeserve freebie () on here and for submitting to 'suspect' looking things online, one off software registrations and the like. But I don't check it as it receives 200 odd spam a day. Freeserve helpfully preface the bulk of it with *** SPAM *** which makes filtering a doddle. Its very useful for someone to indicate I've got an email so I can toddle off and run the account through mailwasher and pick up the genuine message. As my normal domain only gets one or two spams a week the tactic seems to work.
The answer, for all of the above, is because I/we/you want to and can. However my original contention is more to do with Rope's oft-exhibited hypocrisy, then the actual content of the message.