Hi Any particular points [1] to be wary of with a Suzuki DR650 Dakar ? (1991 with 20,000 miles) Cheers [1] apart from the normal big single abuse pointers ;o) -- Steve Parry http://www.gwynfryn.co.uk http://wrexhamseals.tripod.com
Any abnormal clatters or knocks from the bottom end balancer shaft arrangement (chain-driven, which is never a good idea on a big single).
Is it the same engine CCM use in their bikes nowadays? -- Steve Parry http://www.gwynfryn.co.uk http://wrexhamseals.tripod.com
Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Hog Thank you for that valuable input Hog. I hope you don't mind my saying that.
I'm sure he will have no objections to your polite post, and I would like to thank you for setting such a fine example in this miasma of rudeness that is the internewsweblectrickery.
Indeed, and if I may be permitted to say, I think a big thank you should go out to those who endeavour to bring a little common courtesy into the daily round. Why only the other day, I was accosted by a drunken, red-faced harriden who only wanted to wish me a Happy New Year. -- Dave GS 850 x2 / SE 6a SbS#6 DIAABTCOD#16 APOSTLE#6 FUB#3 FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19
Of course you can. In reply, I'd just like to thank you very much for your valued contribution, and encourage you to share similar sentiments in future. You've got a great attitude, and it certainly livens things up round here!
You are not alone there, Brother Curmudgeon. Why, only the other day I was that red-fac^H^H^Hheaded harridan spreading goodwill and general bonhomie to the world at large - and I am pleased to confirm that in general, the response was most pleasantly gratifying. As a representative cross-section of the GBP, I think the lead taken by Messrs Hog, Sean and Eaton - and of course, His Monotremosity, are most welcome and a fine example to us all. Huzzah!
Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Pip <> typed (SNIP) OI! Learn to snip you newbie scum ****! Oops...
Can I just say that I did a job of work today. First time since, well, since before some of you lurkers were born probly. I don't think I'll make a habit of it though, I prefer sitting at the computer, drinking Earl Gray tea and messing around with bits of motorbike in the garage. In preparation for the day (well afternoon really, slowly slowly catchee etc.) I spiced up the daily 10:00 wetdown with a jolly good scrub under the foreskin using the suede brush followed by a generous finger of Germoline pushed knuckle deep past the ol' sphincter. I decided on Blue socks as being fitting for the occasion
Well now, there's a thing. There are times, you see, when visual effect is all. At such a time, snipping ruins the effect and as such, cannot be undertaken lightly, if indeed, at all. You have no soul.
Lost on you engineers, innit. Art, that is. It may just be posting to a newsgroup to you, but some of us, we true artisans, we measure and guage each post, then craft and finally finish each one before hitting Send - which is the final patina on a proper post, sealing it forever under the protective layer of google. Measure twice, cut once. *cough*
Is a good 'un? Unless you count that black and crispy thing which is closely related to Donegal Paul sorting out his dodgy washing machine electrics ... the one you keep in the jar at the back of the freezer ...