Paging those who've injured themselves...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by dwb, Aug 1, 2004.

  1. dwb

    Buzby Guest

    Exactly as the man says, only quicker.
    Buzby, Aug 2, 2004
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  2. dwb

    Martin Guest

    Too right.

    dwb, if you need therapy, you need it quickly.

    A few weeks down the line it becomes progressively less effective.

    The effects of whiplash can persist for AGES if you don't get timely

    Get down the A&E and take a book/iPod/whatever. You'll wait for ages no
    doubt, but it is important for your health.

    Martin, Aug 2, 2004
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  3. dwb

    Champ Guest

    Well, you will, you know.
    Champ, Aug 2, 2004
  4. dwb

    Champ Guest

    This is certainly what I'd do.
    Champ, Aug 2, 2004
  5. dwb

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I might not even bother with the paracetamol. Not because I'm one of
    those people who "try not to take drugs" but because I forget.
    Ben Blaney, Aug 2, 2004
  6. dwb

    Champ Guest

    Christ but we've become a nation of poofs.
    Champ, Aug 2, 2004
  7. dwb

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I know, it's bollocks, isn't it. When I lobbed my Bandit the first
    time, my priorities were getting photos on the damage and my injuries,
    and giving my mates a bit of a laugh.
    Ben Blaney, Aug 2, 2004
  8. dwb

    dwb Guest

    Who;d have thought it, me a non-poof.
    dwb, Aug 2, 2004
  9. dwb

    Champ Guest

    No one's ever accused the Bokkas of being poofs.
    Champ, Aug 2, 2004
  10. dwb

    Pip Guest

    One swallow does not a summer make ...

    Elly - a tired Pixie
    ZX9R-E1 - 'The bike made me do it!'
    Spike - FZ400 - firing on 3 cylinders
    MRO#32 ibW#25 BoTAFOT#46 BoTAFOF #46 GP#1 UKRMRM#00 TWA#3
    "Angel in the kitchen ... "
    elly at garagepixies dot co dot uk
    Pip, Aug 2, 2004
  11. dwb

    Martin Guest

    'Oo you callin' a poof?

    6 months down the line...

    <dwb> Ouch.

    <Doctor> Your neck is seized up. Why didn't you get physiotherapy
    straight away?

    <dwb> Because some blokes on Usenet thought I'd be a poof if I did.

    <Doctor> You stupid poof!

    <dwb> Ouch.

    S'not about being hard or not. After a few weeks, a whiplash that could
    have been sorted out can become a life-long problem without proper

    But hey, it's his neck, not mine.

    Martin, Aug 2, 2004
  12. dwb

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Ben Blaney, Aug 2, 2004
  13. dwb

    dwb Guest

    Somewhere in this thread it clearly states that I am seeing a Physio today.

    And yet I must rush down to the A&E - etc etc.
    dwb, Aug 2, 2004
  14. dwb

    Champ Guest

    Yes, but, he wasn't even saying he had whiplash. The logical
    conclusion of your argument is that you go to A&E every day to get
    yourself checked out "just in case", rather than when you know there's
    something that needs attention.
    Champ, Aug 2, 2004
  15. dwb

    Martin Guest

    Sorry chap, can't see that in this thread so far.

    As you were then...

    Hope all turns out well.

    Martin, Aug 2, 2004
  16. dwb

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Champ
    I thought the original suggestion that he go to A&E was because if there
    is a problem then not attending would give the other guy's law-weasel
    some wiggle room.

    But I could be wrong.
    Nigel Eaton, Aug 2, 2004
  17. dwb

    Martin Guest

    Aye, but he asked "what does whiplash feel like." You wouldn't ask that
    if you didn't suspect you had some possibility of a whiplash. Unless you
    were a poof.

    Symptoms can take time to come on, so it is worth having it checked out.

    Which he is, today apparently.

    Pimm's all round then!

    Martin, Aug 2, 2004
  18. dwb

    Pip Guest

    ... and survived the awful group rogering that inevitably
    followed, anyway.



    Elly - a tired Pixie
    ZX9R-E1 - 'The bike made me do it!'
    Spike - FZ400 - firing on 3 cylinders
    MRO#32 ibW#25 BoTAFOT#46 BoTAFOF #46 GP#1 UKRMRM#00 TWA#3
    "Angel in the kitchen ... "
    elly at garagepixies dot co dot uk
    Pip, Aug 2, 2004
  19. dwb

    dwb Guest

    FFS - I wanted someone to give me a first hand idea of what whiplash feels
    like - "neck pain" kind of thing.
    As it is, I googled because you lot have all jumped on the "A&E at once"

    To label this clearly now - I am not an ambulance chaser - all I would want
    is the medical costs I incur paid for.
    Therefore rushing to the A&E for THIS reason is, to me, stupid. That's why
    I'm going to a physio later, someone who is more specially trained in such
    things, to assess my neck - rather then Dr. Gooblewang who whilst qualified,
    will have a much broader range of knowledge, not to mention a huge wait.

    Rightly or wrongly, I see making a claim unncessarily does me short term
    favours, but long terms adds just another little bit to the pot of "reasons
    for banning motorcycles".

    I thank you.
    dwb, Aug 2, 2004
  20. dwb

    HooDooWitch Guest

    <ponders etymology of "roger">
    Was there ever an excessively gay chap, called Roger?
    HooDooWitch, Aug 2, 2004
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