Paging the xanewsity

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ian, May 16, 2004.

  1. Ian

    Ian Guest

    Ok, thought I'd give it a go, after being not that impress with the new

    Quite impressed with it, except for one minor thing.

    It can't seem to work out what a subject is.

    It keep changing, which means trying to follow a thread is midly

    In the grey area between messages and the bodies, it seems to know what
    the subject was, but in the main message area, it changes to what looks
    like the first new line in the post.

    Any suggestions.

    Ian, May 16, 2004
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  2. Ian

    Ian Guest

    The round window said it was 16/05/2004,so Ian grabbed his blunt
    crayon and scrawled:\n
    Bad form and all that, found it.

    Tools options message tree, for anyone interested..
    Ian, May 16, 2004
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