Paging the Lahore fans

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by ogden, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. ogden

    Ben Guest

    My bonus this year was a wonderful 3%.

    However, my payrise was 11% so that made up for it.
    Ben, Feb 29, 2008
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  2. ogden

    ginge Guest

    That's thw way I'd rather have it TBH. Payrises influence pension,

    By default our lot don't do cost of living payrises at all, and only do
    rises based on performance.
    ginge, Feb 29, 2008
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  3. ogden

    antonye Guest

    I don't think they are, although I may be wrong. We are actually
    split into two halves; the LLC which is what your lot owns half
    of, and then the Research Cent[re/er] which remains the property
    of His Holiness, but is under agreement to provide data to the
    LLC. The waters get mudied because we all work under the same
    roof, although I get paid by the LLC half.
    antonye, Feb 29, 2008
  4. ogden

    darsy Guest

    <fx: fires up Citywire>


    <fx: reads Citywire's news>

    darsy, Feb 29, 2008
  5. ogden

    Ben Guest

    That reminds me, I must take my pension. It's 5% of my salary I'm
    pissing away at the mo.
    This was performance based. COL was on 4%.
    Ben, Feb 29, 2008
  6. ogden

    darsy Guest

    we normally get good payrises and so-so bonuses. It was the other way
    round this year.

    If I were being cynical I might suppose that this is because
    redundancy payments are based on a multiple of basic salary[1]

    [1] we get 3/4 of a month's salary for each full year of service, tax-
    free up to the first £30K - is this good?
    darsy, Feb 29, 2008
  7. ogden

    ginge Guest

    Yep. Last time I looked into what was on offer at our place I think it
    was 2wks per yr, + 1 month. (again tax free to 30k)

    They only have to pay 1 week per year.
    ginge, Feb 29, 2008
  8. ogden

    darsy Guest

    OK, I thought it sounded OK, but since I've never really been in the
    position where I might have to take[1] redundancy before, I've not
    previously looked into it and so have nothing to compare it to.

    [1] I can't quite decide whether this would be good of bad - certainly
    good in the short term, but the current job market is a little iffy.
    darsy, Feb 29, 2008
  9. ogden

    antonye Guest

    Heh. Jumped or pushed?
    antonye, Feb 29, 2008
  10. ogden

    antonye Guest

    Sounds about right - I got one month per year when I was
    "made" redundant [1] a couple of years ago. It was a nice
    little payout, especially as I walked into a much better job
    a month later!

    Are your lot going through "winterization" as well, or is
    that just something that Stephan (Chicken Little) has made
    up all by himself to justify capping our bonuses next year?

    [1] rather than "offered" redundancy.
    antonye, Feb 29, 2008
  11. ogden

    darsy Guest

    that's the ideal scenario, of course.
    I think he's made that up.

    We're having a re-org, with a general clearout of management
    darsy, Feb 29, 2008
  12. ogden

    darsy Guest

    bound to be the former (see Citiwire's top Fund Manager list)
    darsy, Feb 29, 2008
  13. ogden

    antonye Guest

    I did read that with some amusement! Sounds like a whole
    load of bullshit to bolster his reputation. I did also
    think that he's not actually got that much in terms of
    funds under management, but his figures certainly look ok.
    antonye, Feb 29, 2008
  14. ogden

    Ben Guest

    Not only do they only have to pay one week per year, they only have to
    pay £330 per week if they want to.
    Ben, Feb 29, 2008
  15. ogden

    ogden Guest

    Due there again in a fortnight. I'm still full up from yesterday.
    ogden, Feb 29, 2008
  16. ogden

    Catman Guest

    Where does it stop being a 'very large' proportion, and therefore becom
    acceptable? Just curious.
    Surely that's the choice of those who wish to partake, where it's offered?
    Or conversely, Antonye is being penalised. Fair remuneration of his work
    is in fact 235% of his 'salary'
    Why so? I am genuinely curious about this.

    Surely that's a personal thing. Mine incentivises the hell out of me.
    And it's nothing like as big as Antonye's. Yours was linked to a
    worsening of conditions though, which cannot be a good thing.

    The last two I have
    SO it may be more that slightly personal, but again, most of those I
    know are on bonus schemes feel the same as I do. Corporate culture?

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    116 Giulietta 3.0l Sprint 1.7 145 2.0 Cloverleaf 156 V6 2.5 S2
    Triumph Sprint ST 1050: It's blue, see.
    Catman, Feb 29, 2008
  17. ogden

    Pete Fisher Guest

    <flashback to December 2006>
    When I said:
    "Do you think that promoting such a massive, and ever-growing,
    divergence between the haves and the have-nots is a sustainable strategy
    in the long term?"

    TBF though, so far, I see none of the contempt that was expressed at
    that time, in this thread.

    | Pete Fisher at Home: |
    | Voxan Roadster Gilera Nordwest * 2 Yamaha WR250Z |
    | Gilera GFR * 2 Moto Morini 2C/375 Morini 350 "Forgotten Error" |
    Pete Fisher, Feb 29, 2008
  18. ogden

    M J Carley Guest

    It's okay: redundo is tax free so you're doing alright there. The
    statutory requirement depends on age but it's roughly a week's pay per
    year of service with the employer not obliged to pay any more than
    about 300 quid as a week's pay.
    M J Carley, Feb 29, 2008
  19. ogden

    SD Guest

    You *could* argue that. You'd be wrong, but you could.

    Our cleaners contribute to our profit in much the same way that our
    electricity supplier do. By reducing it.
    Probably, if they're anything like those in our building - because
    they don't work for the same company.
    SD, Feb 29, 2008
  20. ogden

    deadmail Guest

    It's way above the legal minimum but my crowd offer 4 weeks per full
    year and others (in the past I think Ericsson offered 6).
    deadmail, Mar 1, 2008
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