Paging the horologisti

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Gyp, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. Gyp

    Gyp Guest

    <Obviously this is on topic as we can determine that the owners of 4
    cylinder bikes tend to have quartz toys whereas the owners of proper
    motorcycles - 3 cylinders or less - have proper watches.>

    I've just got my precision Swiss timepiece (i.e. as accurate as a
    calendar) back from a horrendously expensive service, bezel & strap
    replacement and have to say I'm somewhat disappointed.

    Whilst it's difficult to know what's happened within the works, what's
    happened outside has distressed me.

    The bezel is similar to the item that was prised off in the deep-sea
    diving accident [1], but the strap is a poor imitation of the one that
    was removed. Whilst the strap looks similar, it doesn't have that
    silk-like feel of the original.

    Should I [A] complain at the shop (chav-like) that the bracelet is shit
    Should I complain directly to the manufacturer about the lowering of
    quality of their product
    Should I [C] buy Omega or Rolex next time rather than Heuer

    I wait the comments of the UKRM jury.

    [1] Centreparcs rapids splash pool
    Gyp, Jun 7, 2005
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  2. Gyp

    Muck Guest

    I'm in both boats, so where does that leave me?
    How often do you have to get it serviced?
    Maybe your strap was better than the blokes who serviced it, and it got
    swapped out?

    B sounds like a good option. C sounds like the best option if you're not
    short of a penny or two.

    My Seiko kinetic is coming up for a service, with luck, as it's not a
    very expensive watch... it'll be not too expensive to service. :/
    Muck, Jun 7, 2005
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  3. Gyp

    porl Guest

    Yeah Gyppers, you're married to the best looking woman you're ever likely to
    get. Who else are you trying to impress?
    porl, Jun 7, 2005
  4. Gyp

    Ginge Guest

    E] Buy a slightly less cheap Citizen, which you find impossible to break
    despite having killed everyother watch previously. Enjoy the fact it
    doesn't look quite as shit as Champ's watch.
    Ginge, Jun 7, 2005
  5. Gyp

    RobbieWirral Guest

    [D] Buy a piece of cheap shit. When it goes wrong, you throw it away and
    return to [D]
    HTH old bean

    -- Reynard
    RD350LC F2
    RobbieWirral, Jun 7, 2005
  6. Muck wrote:

    Let me know what it costs you.... I'm kind of avoiding the fact that my
    Kinetic auto relay will one day need a service :/
    Doesnotcompute, Jun 7, 2005
  7. Gyp

    Eiron Guest

    Depends whether you want a piece of jewellery or a timepiece.
    Eiron, Jun 7, 2005
  8. Gyp

    antonye Guest

    2 minutes over a month? **** that, I'd send it back.

    I've not [1] had to adjust the time on my Omega Seamaster
    since I bought it five years ago.

    [1] except for time zone changes, obviously!
    antonye, Jun 7, 2005
  9. Gyp

    RobbieWirral Guest

    [F] Go to the Club Shop at Prenton Park. Buy a TRFC Sekonda for thirty quid
    which keeps within 1 minute per year (over the last three years!).
    Down side is that there's a tiny Tranmere Rovers crest on the face However,
    it's so
    small, it looks like it could be that of a trendy watch manufacturer!

    -- Reynard
    RD350LC F2
    RobbieWirral, Jun 7, 2005
  10. Gyp

    Gyp Guest

    It's nothing to do with women. It's to do with proper stuff like men &
    watches. Watches are like bikes and fast cars.

    Women are like daisies and quilting and stuff. Surely you understand?
    Gyp, Jun 7, 2005
  11. Gyp

    Muck Guest

    Heh... very ukrm of you. :)
    Muck, Jun 7, 2005
  12. Gyp

    Muck Guest

    I've got a Titanium one, but I should think the bits inside will be the
    same as yours. Will let you know how much, when it happens.
    Muck, Jun 7, 2005
  13. Gyp

    Buzby Guest

    [C} Buy a Rolex.
    Heh! It's only a matter of time. Servicing is reassuringly expensive - at
    least mine now sort of keeps time . . . .
    Buzby, Jun 7, 2005
  14. Gyp

    ogden Guest

    Like the PVR is the problem?

    "How do I put it on BBC2?"
    ogden, Jun 7, 2005
  15. Gyp

    porl Guest

    No, they're not. Watches are for unveiling at the end of a date when, as the
    light from the club sparkles off some expensive cogholder on your wrist, you
    smile your best smile and say "My, it's getting late. I should probably call
    you a cab..."
    Is this in the test?
    porl, Jun 7, 2005
  16. Gyp

    RobbieWirral Guest

    When you're really thinking "£50 so far, how come she's still got her fuckin
    knickers on at this time?"

    RD350LC F2

    (any better Bear?)
    RobbieWirral, Jun 7, 2005
  17. Gyp

    Lozzo Guest

    Gyp says...
    Bollocks. I have absolutely no doubts about my sexuality, and I ride a
    proper fast Japanese motorcycle. I never ever wear a watch.
    Lozzo, Jun 7, 2005
  18. Gyp

    Lozzo Guest

    Wicked Uncle Nigel says...

    I have a solid silver Swiss made Christian Bernard that my ex-wife
    bought me. I think I've worn it 3 times in 10 years.
    Lozzo, Jun 7, 2005
  19. Gyp

    Gyp Guest

    No, they're not. Watches are for unveiling at the end of a date when, as the
    light from the club sparkles off some expensive cogholder on your wrist, you
    smile your best smile and say "My, it's getting late. I should probably call
    you a cab..."
    Is this in the test?[/QUOTE]

    Yes. Your mark is related to the answer to the previous question.
    Gyp, Jun 7, 2005
  20. Gyp

    RobbieWirral Guest

    That's strange, considering you "never, ever wear a watch"
    RobbieWirral, Jun 7, 2005
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