paging the Hairy Gfedcker

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by ColonelTupperware, Oct 1, 2003.

  1. Thanks mate.
    Thanks to the largish white van with the tail lift and the above
    mentioned Ginger personage a large quantity of Tat, some Quality Tat
    and a fair bit of TQT and various, assorted, disassembled, rusty, oily
    and above all non-broken bits of CX500 were unheaped, dis-garaged,
    en-vanned, transported, palletized, un-vanned, containerised and re
    heaped 7 miles away at my new lock up. Green it is.
    All because the ex Madame Tuppy wants to use the garage that she is in
    the process of buying from me.
    Back tomorrow to clear out the real crap to the dump.

    Whatever Pip says about the number of toolboxes, its not true. Well,
    not quite true.

    Thanks again mate.
    ColonelTupperware, Oct 1, 2003
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  2. ColonelTupperware

    Lozzo Guest

    ColonelTupperware wibbled.

    He says at least 40. How many did you make it?

    ZZR1100D, GPZ500S, CB250RS
    BOTAFOT#57/70a, BOTAFOF#57, two#49, MIB#22, TCP#7, BONY#9,
    BotToS#8, GP#2, SBS#10, SH#3, DFV#14, KoBv#3.
    Url for ukrm newbies :
    Lozzo, Oct 1, 2003
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  3. ColonelTupperware

    Pip Guest

    Aye? Toolboxes, various and assorted shapes sizes and colours -
    count ... 20-something in the end, I believe.
    Duplication of tools - incredible.
    Retention of incredible shite - disconcerting.
    Throwing at me the two books next in the series, the forst of which I
    finished the other day - heartwarming.
    NP. Crack of sparrows, then.

    I'm orft up the wooden hill right now. Fooked.
    Pip, Oct 1, 2003
  4. ColonelTupperware

    Pip Guest

    Oh, yes. No massive probs this morning, anyway ;-)
    Pip, Oct 2, 2003
  5. Somewhere in the high teens I think.
    Well, you never know when you might need a 13/4 whitworth oe spanner.
    Especially the bits cherry picked OUT OF THE BIN by some ginger twat.
    A pleasure to be of service, would sir like to peruse the other 500
    odd paperbacks in need of a good home?
    see you in 30 mins.
    ColonelTupperware, Oct 2, 2003
  6. ColonelTupperware

    Pip Guest

    Yada yada yada. I know how many there were ...
    That's a pretty vulgar nutshifter.
    Eh? *cough* You never know when they might come in handy ;-)
    I'd already left ...

    Still, all over now and wasn't that an amusing morning. I feel
    Pip, Oct 2, 2003
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