paging the geeks....

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Doesnotcompute, Nov 23, 2003.

  1. Okay, imagine a hime network situation where the internet comes in via
    NTL box which is plugged into PC "A". PC "B" is connected to PC "A" via
    a hub.

    Internet works fine on both PC's. This is sorted.

    PC "B" wishes to run an ftp: server, which is set up and installed.

    However, what's the correct IP address to use? and how should it be
    forwarded through the hub and PC "A" to the big wide world?

    Doesnotcompute, Nov 23, 2003
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  2. Doesnotcompute Guest

    Okay, imagine a hime network situation where the internet comes in via
    the external (internet) IP Address is PC "A"'s address that isn't the local

    PC "A" would need "port fowarding" setup so a connection to say port 80 on
    PC "A" would route it through to the port being used on PC "B" for the ftp

    if your using internet connection sharing, this is on one of the tabs on the
    properties of the sharing dialog (iirc)
, Nov 23, 2003
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  3. Doesnotcompute

    Mash Guest

    In the hub settings, set PC B to be DMZ
    Mash, Nov 23, 2003
  4. Doesnotcompute

    Catman Guest

    A *hub* with DMZ????

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l. Really, Sprint 1.7
    Ducati Monster 600 Metallic
    Catman, Nov 23, 2003
  5. Doesnotcompute

    Catman Guest

    Wrong way round

    Punters connect to the external address of PC A. PC A then forwards
    all traffic on port 21 to PC B's internal IP address. JD

    But get a router. Much better, and far more secure.
    No more than normal, but thanks for asking ;)

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l. Really, Sprint 1.7
    Ducati Monster 600 Metallic
    Catman, Nov 23, 2003
  6. Doesnotcompute

    christofire Guest

    No. You can ignore the hub. All it does is make it look like you've
    got PC A connected to PC's B through <however many ports you have>.

    What you're doing is making PC A pass any traffic it gets to a port (21
    and 20 in this case) to PC B. You tell the outside world to use PC A's
    ip. So, you don't forward through the hub and PC A, you go through PC A
    and the hub, IYSWIM.

    What you do is this:

    PC B will have ports 21 and 20 open for ftp[1].
    You make PC A forward its 21 and 20 to the ip of PC B.

    (Assuming xp)
    Go to the NTL connection settings, advanced tab, settings button. Add a
    new service or edit the FTP service you have there. Fill in the ip of
    PC B and the ports to forward, ok it all, enable the service and off you
    go - you might want to disable and enable the connection if it doesn't

    If it's linux then you can go and do man port-forwarding or something.
    Last time I did it it involved much faffing with rc.firewall.

    [1] I think, unless I've got it wrong or you're using different numbers.
    christofire, Nov 23, 2003
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