Paging the folk that know about SatNav

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Beelzebub_on_Mac, May 11, 2009.

  1. Right, I have just acquired (for the grand sum of nothing) a satnav.

    The downside is that it's a Tracker (Journeyman I think) and they
    appear to no longer exist - hence can't update maps etc and they are
    well out of date. Plus the software is crap - doesn't seem to re-
    calculate if you go off route.

    However, I'm hoping that I can possibly put different software on it?
    Is this likely and how/what do I do/get?

    Beelzebub_on_Mac, May 11, 2009
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  2. Beelzebub_on_Mac

    DozynSleepy Guest

    Lot's of entertainment to be had trying.

    Appears to be a re branded Evesham Nav Cam 7000

    If it's Windows CE based then game on !

    If so you need a PC with Windows XP, Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5 and
    MioPocket 2.0

    Try the instructions for putting MioPocket on an SD card and see if it

    Otherwise install ActiveSync
    Plug your device into the pc and see if you get a connection.

    In one of the MioPocket directories is a MobileRegistryEditor.exe run
    that and check if you can see the registry, if you can get to the "init"
    settings which does the startup stuff then there is a good chance of
    installing Miopocket. You need to change "mainpage.exe" to "explorer.exe" .

    This doesn't get sat nav on it. Once you're able to run Miopocket then
    you can add TomTom etc. More instructions to follow if you can confirm
    it's Windows CE.
    DozynSleepy, May 11, 2009
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    Beelzebub_on_Mac, May 11, 2009
  4. Oh FFS, I should look more carefully at things....

    On back of GPS, it says Win CE 4.2 core, so I'm guessing I'm good to
    go :)

    Thanks for that.
    Beelzebub_on_Mac, May 11, 2009
  5. Fucksake, I'm thick today!

    Quiet at the back!
    Beelzebub_on_Mac, May 11, 2009
  6. Beelzebub_on_Mac

    dog Guest

    learn to snip, newbie!
    dog, May 12, 2009
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