Paging the electronic-isti

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by The Older Gentleman, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. I don't know which impresses me more. The fact that he's got a knob that
    big or the fact that some bint was prepared to service it while he was
    messing with electrickery.

    Oh, paint arrived today. Mucho thanks. Still awaiting communication from
    the inscos regarding Twatty.

    I'm hoping his insurance is saying: "Our insured decided to take a
    wander on the M25, clobbered him, gave a dead-end address and false
    phone number, and the bloke he hit only wants a few hundred quid....?"

    "Erm, how quickly should we pull his arm off, guys?"
    The Older Gentleman, Jul 16, 2009
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  2. Nah. Something called a Griffin from the Mac Store and it is, indeed,
    toasted, and I've bought another for £16.
    The Older Gentleman, Jul 16, 2009
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  3. The Older Gentleman

    Beav Guest

    Not sure it's his knob that's big or he's that big a knob.
    Was the match Ok?.
    So long as it's only his arm they pull off eh?


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Jul 16, 2009
  4. No idea yet. Looks good in the bockle, but I'll not know until the rain
    stops and I can try it.

    Had you actually thought of offering this as a commercial service? Must
    be loads of people looking for touch-up paint for bikes.
    The Older Gentleman, Jul 16, 2009
  5. The Older Gentleman

    Beav Guest

    Well the cunts who mix our paints really *are* cunts and the first mix was
    almost fucking sky blue. I didn't think that was right so I had them do it
    again. Not having a sample myself though, it was a toss up whether they were
    right first time around or not. I decided they were wrong based on a couple
    of panels for a "K" I painted for Nige. If it's not right, let me know o I
    can have another dig a the twats.
    I suspect it'd be a massive loss leader with the price I charge :)


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Jul 16, 2009
  6. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, BGN
    Things You Never Thought You'd Read On UKRM, #4,342.

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - "He's hopeless, but he's honest"

    I have already made the greatest contribution to the fight against climate
    change that I can make: I have decided not to breed. Now quit bugging me and
    go and talk to the Catholics.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Jul 16, 2009
  7. The Older Gentleman

    wessie Guest

    you need the Grindr app, apparently
    wessie, Jul 16, 2009
  8. The Older Gentleman

    TOG@Toil Guest

    Hm. I'll check it this weekend. The K is a very dark blue, it must be

    And I'll strip th bodywork off the TS250 as well. Meant to that last
    weekend was hank-waving all weekend so never found a tuit.
    TOG@Toil, Jul 17, 2009
  9. The Older Gentleman

    Beav Guest

    They were definitely wrong first time round then.
    That tuit, it'd just under the bells at the bottom of the Morris bag.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Jul 17, 2009
  10. Ach, look on the bright side.
    There was a 50% chance you'd get it right.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jul 18, 2009
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