Paging the Digital Video knowalls.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Mike Barnard, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. Mike Barnard

    Mike Barnard Guest

    I took some (bad) dv of Shoreham Air show. I want to import it into an
    editing program and cut out the worst of the grass / shake / blurred
    stuff [1]. What do you reccomend?

    A Friend had a copy of a very expensive Adobe program and started to
    import it into OnLocation. It was imported as one huge clip. I'm sure
    there's a program that imports it and cuts it into smaller clips, i.e.
    each time it's started and stopped when recording.

    As I type I'm trying a few minutes of it using Windows own video tool,
    but I have no idea what the results would be. Maybe it's good, maybe
    not. What should I try out on a trial basis before I buy?

    [1] OK, thats most of it gone then.
    Mike Barnard, Aug 24, 2009
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  2. Mike Barnard

    ogden Guest

    Windows Movie Maker works just fine.
    ogden, Aug 24, 2009
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  3. Mike Barnard

    Mike Barnard Guest

    I've just imported the first 13 minutes and it's broken it into 37
    clips. Why didn't OnLocation do that? So much for expensive software
    on a trial basis!
    Mike Barnard, Aug 24, 2009
  4. Mike Barnard

    Veggie Dave Guest

    Perhaps it's an option you have to choose.

    Veggie Dave

    "To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim
    that Jesus was not born of a virgin." Cardinal Bellarmine
    Veggie Dave, Aug 24, 2009
  5. Mike Barnard

    Mike Barnard Guest

    But when I look at the folder it saved to, it's all one big file. Hmm,
    options and more options I guess.
    Mike Barnard, Aug 24, 2009
  6. Mike Barnard

    Switters Guest

    Certainly Premiere, Vegas and Scenalyzer Live will all create separate
    files during capture, but they cost money. ScLive is purely a capture
    program and a very good one, you can download a trial, but it seems daft
    to pay for the full version for a single time job.

    I'm suprised Movie Maker doesn't do it, but I've never really used that
    for anything but a casual observation.

    As for smoothing out the shakes, After Effects can do this on its own.
    For Premiere you'd need a plug-in, something like Steady Move does a
    reasonable job. I can't remember with Vegas.

    Of course, any smoothing out will reduce quality as it will need to crop
    to an area that is always visible.
    Switters, Aug 25, 2009
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