Paging the current and ex USA ex-pats

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Simon Wilson, Apr 12, 2011.

  1. Simon Wilson

    ogden Guest

    RPI all-items index

    March 1981 - 284
    March 1991 - 518.4 (82% increase)
    March 2001 - 679.3 (31% increase)
    March 2011 - 917.2 (35% increase)


    March 1995 - 581.9
    March 2011 - 917.2 (57% increase)

    Source: ONS
    ogden, Apr 14, 2011
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  2. Simon Wilson

    Catman Guest

    Good call.

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    116 Giulietta 3.0l Sprint 1.7 GTV TS GT 3.2 V6
    Triumph Sprint ST 1050: It's blue, see.
    Catman, Apr 14, 2011
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  3. Simon Wilson

    ogden Guest

    You suspect wrong, by a factor of three or more.
    ogden, Apr 14, 2011
  4. Simon Wilson

    Stephen Guest

    I give up.

    A reasonable person does not have the 'nuclear' option.
    Stephen, Apr 14, 2011
  5. Simon Wilson

    ginge Guest

    Cool, that proves my point then, apart from the fact house prices now
    are stupid, and in '95 were far less so inflation hasn't been all that
    mental. Recreating my scenario wouldn't be an option for those on
    entry level jobs any more, mind, 95% mortgage on low rates were an
    option back then.

    I also got my years a bit wrong as I bought the cheap 2 up,2 down
    terrace in 93, then moved here in '99 just before all the stupid
    property rises really started to happen.
    ginge, Apr 14, 2011
  6. Simon Wilson

    A.Lee Guest

    For the last 3 years I've been on around £12k/yr.
    I've survived. I can't say I've really missed anything that I used to
    spend money on. Foreign holidays are not missed (in fact, holidays for
    more than a couple of days are not missed), my car is still running, my
    Morini restoration has completely stalled, but otherwise I'm carrying on
    as before, but not spending as much.
    A.Lee, Apr 14, 2011
  7. Simon Wilson

    Hog Guest

    I did not mean significantly higher than doubled but that it will have
    increased significantly in 10 years.
    Hog, Apr 14, 2011
  8. Simon Wilson

    Hog Guest

    Oh come on, you know I have a considerable weakness for Nukes.
    Hog, Apr 14, 2011
  9. Simon Wilson

    ginge Guest

    I think you're just making noise now.

    There are plenty of people on low incomes that live rewarding
    dignified lives, they don't want to be footballers, or act like
    chavs, or tag along with any of the other negative stereotypes. They
    simply lack earning power, and the trappings that it can provide. To
    imply that isn't the case just makes you come across as pompous IMHO.
    ginge, Apr 14, 2011
  10. Simon Wilson

    Hog Guest

    Do you (or not) have housing overheads? as in rent/mortgage and do you have
    somewhere decent to live.

    I also forgot to include private medical insurance and a decent life
    insurance policy. That's £200/m.
    Hog, Apr 14, 2011
  11. Simon Wilson

    Hog Guest

    Can't I make Chav type jokes now? sheesh
    Hog, Apr 14, 2011
  12. Simon Wilson

    Thomas Guest

    Heh. Good luck with that. Do _you_ get UK vacation days while your
    cohorts next to you only get 2-3 weeks/year? The company I worked for
    had a ton of expats and they all worked under US vacation plans.
    That's been a legal issue, and I think they've eliminated the pre-ex
    copout so inscos have to insure.
    Why bother? Don't European cards work here? Mine work in Europe.
    Thomas, Apr 14, 2011
  13. Simon Wilson

    A.Lee Guest

    Mortgage of £244/mth. Just me and my daughter living here, so costs are
    reasonably low.
    A.Lee, Apr 14, 2011
  14. Simon Wilson

    boots Guest

    Having seen how a friend got crucified I'd have to say the family
    courts to all intents are a weapon for the estranged woman if she's
    prepared to lie and make false accusations of assault. Even when these
    are all dismissed as nonsense by the criminal courts they are still
    used in the family court.
    boots, Apr 14, 2011
  15. Simon Wilson

    SIRPip Guest

    "Ride to work"
    SIRPip, Apr 14, 2011
  16. Simon Wilson

    ginge Guest

    Yes of course you can. It's typically the same joke you make again
    and again though, be it chavs, "prawns", or any other group you feel
    are in some way impoverished or lesser. So, rather than feign
    laughter, I thought I'd play a straight bat in return.
    ginge, Apr 14, 2011
  17. Simon Wilson

    ogden Guest

    Comedy bigotry tends to work best when the person doing it doesn't come
    across as a bigoted arsehole on a daily basis.
    ogden, Apr 14, 2011
  18. Simon Wilson

    boots Guest

    They're tied to an address which is a bit of a bummer if you've moved.
    boots, Apr 14, 2011
  19. Simon Wilson

    Hog Guest

    Go **** Yourself.

    I'm an omnivore, there are only a very few things I can't stomach and they
    all small like shit
    Hog, Apr 14, 2011
  20. Simon Wilson

    Hog Guest

    That may well be the first time I've ever alluded to Chavs in this NG. I've
    rarely bumped into such things.
    Hog, Apr 14, 2011
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