Paging the Bristol contigent

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Timo Geusch, Feb 2, 2005.

  1. Timo Geusch

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Would anybody be able to check out a bike for me? It's on fleabay so
    it really would have to be in the next 2-3 days.

    Payment in beers/curry...
    Timo Geusch, Feb 2, 2005
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  2. <Smiles in anticipation>

    Go on then, what old heap are you drooling over this time?
    The Older Gentleman, Feb 2, 2005
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  3. Timo Geusch

    Timo Geusch Guest

    The Older Gentleman was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    Another 125 Morini, but this time the later 125H. Especially because
    it looks like someone already paid for all the expensive stuff like
    Timo Geusch, Feb 2, 2005
  4. Timo Geusch

    platypus Guest

    We could all show up - clipboards, torches, multimeters and trained

    Wouldn't make the blindest bit of difference, of course.
    platypus, Feb 2, 2005
  5. Timo Geusch

    Timo Geusch Guest

    platypus was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    But it'll look like we at least tried...
    Timo Geusch, Feb 2, 2005
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