Paging the batch/cmd file programming types....

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Brownz, Dec 10, 2008.

  1. Brownz

    Brownz Guest

    So I have a batch file that runs perfectly under dos (it applies a set
    of bios defaults to an AMI bios mainboard).

    amiscew.exe /i p6base.cfg<%PWFILE%
    If not errorlevel 1 goto pass

    I need to run it under WinPE so converted it to a .cmd file and
    tweaked :

    amiscew.exe /i p6base.cfg<"%PWFILE%"
    If not errorlevel 1 goto pass

    All files are present and correct, it works under DOS and pipes in the
    password that is in PWD1.KEY

    But under WINPE, the target app (amiscew) doesn't receive the

    I've also tried just piping the text in under WinPE - e.g.
    amiscew.exe /i p6base.cfg < xx

    That doesn't work either - do cmd files under WinPE not like piping ?
    Brownz, Dec 10, 2008
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  2. Brownz

    ginge Guest

    It's something more fundemental than that, Windows PE does not include
    the “Windows on Windows 32” (WOW32), “Windows on Windows 64” (WOW64),
    Virtual DOS Machine (VDM), OS/2 or POSIX subsystems... and your dos
    command would need VDM to run.

    See if there's a native Windows App that does the same thing as
    ginge, Dec 10, 2008
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  3. Brownz

    Brownz Guest

    AMISCEW is the windows version..... AMISCE is the DOS version.....
    doh !
    Brownz, Dec 10, 2008
  4. Brownz

    fragmented Guest

    'ginge' wrote...>
    What about BartPE? Can't you tweek the BartPE image so it includes
    fragmented, Dec 10, 2008
  5. Brownz

    Brownz Guest

    Tis WinPE, and the tool is a WinPE version from AMI.

    It appears WinPE cannot handle console i/o redirects like DOS can.
    Brownz, Dec 11, 2008
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