Paging -sweller-

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Whinging Courier, Oct 28, 2004.

  1. Re: your insurance.

    Did you tell them when you wanted your original quote that it was for
    SDP, or did they suggest business afterwards, and what sort of business
    did you say it was for?

    I'm only asking because it would be more than a bit sus if I phone them
    up three times and I've suddenly changed my occupation two or three
    times in the last five minutes :)

    The woman I spoke to at Direct Choice said that if I was unemployed they
    couldn't quote me at all on a van but would make an exception as I'd had
    a policy with them in the last three years.

    So what should I tell 'em? Some quotes come out better TPFT than TPO and
    some won't quote unless you go FC.

    Should I just give them my details and let them fine tune it or should I
    have a big list of bullshit[1] to reel off when I phone them?

    [1] Within the realms of legality, obviously.
    Whinging Courier, Oct 28, 2004
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  2. Whinging Courier

    SteveH Guest

    Self employed 'man with a van', innit.
    SteveH, Oct 28, 2004
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  3. Good point.

    Whinging Courier, Oct 28, 2004
  4. Whinging Courier

    ogden Guest

    On an SDP policy?
    ogden, Oct 29, 2004
  5. Whinging Courier

    sweller Guest

    I just told them I was a Train Driver and I wanted to insure a van the
    cheapest possible way. They gave me two quotes £195 TPFT and £275 FC
    with breakdown cover. I went for the latter.

    It was on reading the policy I noted I was covered for use on "behalf of
    the policy holder's business"
    sweller, Oct 29, 2004
  6. Just phoned them, thanks.
    Thanks for the link but:

    "Can't quote with a TT99"

    I have a feeling I'm going to be shafted for the next 5 years.
    Whinging Courier, Oct 29, 2004
  7. Whinging Courier

    gazzafield Guest

    Just phoned them, thanks.
    Thanks for the link but:

    "Can't quote with a TT99"

    I have a feeling I'm going to be shafted for the next 5 years.

    Excuse my ignorance, but what's a TT99? Never heard of that one.
    gazzafield, Oct 29, 2004
  8. A lot of insurers don't have it in a drop down "pick your own"

    It is a disqualification under the totting up procedure.
    Whinging Courier, Oct 29, 2004
  9. Whinging Courier

    gazzafield Guest

    Excuse my ignorance, but what's a TT99? Never heard of that one.

    I see. Mine doesn't appear to often either, luckily it has now expired.
    MW10 anyone?
    gazzafield, Oct 29, 2004
  10. Whinging Courier

    Pip Guest

    Look, gazzafield, you thick ****.

    I've left the above intact so that you can see where you've gone
    wrong, I hope. You're going to have to learn to post properly so's
    others can see who has written what and in reply to whom.

    Are you familiar with the indent marks? Those things that look like
    this: > or >>
    When you are good enough to leave some context and an attribution line
    (the bit that indicates the name of the previous poster(s)) then the
    most recent poster, the one to whom you are presumably addressing your
    response will not have an indent mark against their moniker. Their
    text, the bit they wrote, will have a single mark, thus: >

    The poster before the most recent will have an indent mark against
    their moniker, thus: > and their text will show a >> so you can tie
    the two together. This is the way it works.

    That pile of shite that you have left above, reading the indent marks
    shows that gazzafield wrote everything with a single > against it,
    which isn't right, is it?

    It also shows that sweller and Whinging Courier both have a single
    indent, which can't be right, as they will not/cannot have written the
    same lines.

    In short, it is a right dog's breakfast. 1/10, must try harder - or
    be hounded as an illiterate ****.
    Pip, Oct 29, 2004
  11. Whinging Courier

    gazzafield Guest

    Pip lambasted me with

    That any better?! Jeez you guys can be tough on us thick bastards! I live
    in Scotland where it gets so cold it freezes our brains. Or we all just
    drown in the amount of rain we get. I blame Outlook Express that I used to
    read it today, it's a pile of pish. Pan newsreader on Linux is much better.

    I must make my postings correctly
    I must make my postings correctly
    I must make my postings correctly

    'Scuse me sir, how many of these do I need to write?
    gazzafield, Oct 29, 2004
  12. Whinging Courier

    Pip Guest

    Well, something made a real mess of the quoted material. However it
    is oft said that a poor workman blames his tools.
    You can stop now if you get it right in future - that includes leaving
    a few lines for context and the attributions intact.
    Pip, Oct 29, 2004
  13. Whinging Courier

    Ovenpaa Guest

    I have no reason to disagree, Pan and Linux is a mighty combination, so is
    the permafrost in the great Northern territory your only excuse?
    Ovenpaa, Oct 29, 2004
  14. Whinging Courier

    gazzafield Guest

    It'll do till I come up with another. Don't forget it was Microcack
    Excess I was using.

    (Hope Pip's not reading this)
    gazzafield, Oct 29, 2004
  15. Whinging Courier

    Pip Guest

    <hollow voice>


    Pip, Oct 29, 2004
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