paging Sweller

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by darsy, May 25, 2004.

  1. darsy

    darsy Guest

    darsy, May 25, 2004
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  2. darsy

    mups Guest

    Cane@work don' says...
    So says the man who never gets involved in a pub brawl.
    mups, May 25, 2004
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  3. darsy

    Ben Blaney Guest

    You can put a prole@work but it's still a prole.
    Ben Blaney, May 25, 2004
  4. darsy

    prawn Guest

    There's a thick theme about today, isn't there.
    prawn, May 25, 2004
  5. darsy

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I'll take a physical challenge, please Richard.
    Ben Blaney, May 25, 2004
  6. darsy

    sweller Guest

    I can't comment as I am to be involved on a formal basis.
    sweller, May 25, 2004
  7. darsy

    darsy Guest

    " "
    darsy, May 25, 2004
  8. darsy

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Ben Blaney, May 25, 2004
  9. well he'd struggle with a mental one wouldn't he?
    Paul Corfield, May 25, 2004
  10. oh dear - that looks like it will run and run providing much
    entertainment value for the Tory press on quiet news days.
    Paul Corfield, May 25, 2004
  11. darsy

    sweller Guest

    Ivan, I do this shit for a living. Of course I have a suit.

    It's crap mind.
    sweller, May 25, 2004
  12. darsy

    darsy Guest

    it's got all the key summer-fun elements - barbeques, fat train
    drivers, punching women - I think you're right.
    darsy, May 26, 2004
  13. darsy

    dwb Guest

    Is that the bloke that took over from whathisname - Rix? About whom it was
    said that he was a 'punch first, ask questions later' type chap?

    Appears they might have been right :)
    dwb, May 26, 2004
  14. darsy

    darsy Guest

    the bloke alleged to have punched the woman was Martin Samways.
    darsy, May 26, 2004
  15. darsy

    sweller Guest

    Heh, it did look a bit flouncy.
    No, could you send it again?
    sweller, May 26, 2004
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