Paging SteveH

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by The Older Gentleman, Dec 13, 2003.

  1. In, Pip said:
    It's under the seat in the tail piece. It never worked properly and the
    one key fob I had for it got thrown out.
    Whinging Courier, Dec 13, 2003
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  2. The Older Gentleman

    Lozzo Guest

    Pip said...
    "Is your bike alarmed?"

    "No, it's very fucking disturbed"
    Lozzo, Dec 13, 2003
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  3. In, sweller said:
    You're telling me! I went in there once (that was enough) and there was
    this glamour dolly burd giving out promotional drinks of this brandy
    stuff at 50p a shot. Man, that was good shit.

    I didn't stay round there long, it was a temporary thing while I was
    getting some proper accommodation sorted out.

    Spent most of my life in the HH and I'd love to go back to a place like
    it, well more like Lewes or Newick really.
    Whinging Courier, Dec 13, 2003
  4. In, sweller said:
    You're telling me! I went in there once (that was enough) and there was
    this glamour dolly burd giving out promotional drinks of this brandy
    stuff at 50p a shot. Man, that was good shit.

    I didn't stay round there long, it was a temporary thing while I was
    getting some proper accommodation sorted out.
    Whinging Courier, Dec 13, 2003
  5. <emailed>
    The Older Gentleman, Dec 14, 2003
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