Did the collets fit the GT ok?
The recent cold weather has left the Lesser Spotted Bristolian Tuit somewhat anorexic die to lack of ample foraging. I have successfuly lured a couple into captivity and have been feeding them a diet of mangle wurzels and cider, resulting in steady weight gain. Hopefully a further week or so of this diet should see them becoming more rotund, at which point the now round Tuits will be sacrificed to Owch-yu-B'stard, the god of Skinned Knuckles, allowing me to fit the collets.
Statto said... In other words, you don't know yet cos you're a lazy fucker who hasn't tried them yet? OK, let me know
Statto says... just found this during the ritual deletion of argh-thousands-of-posts-while- i-was-away. saved, with thanks i'm thinking of making a poster of it.