Paging SP

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Cerberus, May 3, 2004.

  1. Cerberus

    Cerberus Guest

    Thanks for today Lesley, had a great time,

    has Steve got an Email address so i can keep in touch with him? seems a good

    Cerberus, May 3, 2004
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  2. Cerberus

    SP Guest

    Cerberus says...
    Heh, no probs. It was good of you to let me use the spare ticket.

    The ride to Oulton was brilliant, but for some reason I didn't enjoy it
    as much on the way back. I think I was a bit tired.

    You know when I pointed out the John Nissell van in the paddock? It
    turns out we should've gone over because Andy (who sponsored him last
    year) was there with his missus, we could've got food and drink :eek:(
    Aye, no problems. Let me have a valid email addy and I'll send it to

    BTW, is your fizzog as red as mine is?

    SBS#11[with oak-leaf cluster]
    BONY#54P BOB#18
    Real burds don't take hormones, they rage naturally

    Un-cork me to reply
    SP, May 4, 2004
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  3. Cerberus

    Cerberus Guest

    I can't believe the bloody sunburn on my head, felt really weird all
    night..... i can't even remember the sun???

    I enjoyed the ride back even though the cross wind on the M57 stopped me
    from getting above 125

    How did you find out abt Andy and his missus? that would have been good eh?

    if you mail me at ricky dot knowles @ with steve's addy
    that'd be great..

    ta Lesley
    Cerberus, May 4, 2004
  4. Cerberus

    SP Guest

    Cerberus says...
    It was in and out all day - we probably got more winburnt than sunburnt
    Lack of an MOT stopped me from doing anything over 90 I'm afraid. I
    didn't want to make myself too obvious..
    They were in drinking last night. It was odd how all our faces just got
    redder and redder and it was nothing to do with alcohol :eek:) Like us
    they started off in one place and went to another, it would appear they
    weren't too far from where we first were.

    Andy's told me to go to the truck anyway if I see it at another race,
    even if he isn't there we'll be made welcome.
    Will do.

    SBS#11[with oak-leaf cluster]
    BONY#54P BOB#18
    Real burds don't take hormones, they rage naturally

    Un-cork me to reply
    SP, May 4, 2004
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