It looks like CrossOver Pro 7.1.0 doesn't work in Snow Leopard. Is that just happening to me or other SL users? It's just that I prefer to use Forté Agent for usenet which is Windows only and Crossover lets me run it in a WINE style environment so it works like a native app. Ideas, perlease. --(BG)Nick.
No, it doesn't work here either. They seem to have a strange upgrade policy too. I got my Crossover when they did that daft free offer last year, and never got my account set up, so couldn't get updates. I believe version 8 works in SL. Now I have Parallels running, which I got in the last MacUpdate bundle, and stumped up for Windows XP to run in it. It is a lot better, much faster, and much more compatibility. It's no good for big games, but I use MS Office in Windows here, and it runs faster in Parallels than it does on my proper Windows PC. If you run it in 'Coherence' mode, it integrates pretty well with Mac OS. There is of course VMWare Fusion, which is very similar. The only downside is you have to buy both the VM software and a copy of Windows for these. If you only want to run basic stuff in Windows VM, then VirtualBox is open source, and is just about as well featured as the commercial offerings. It's a little slower, and a little more fiddly to set up, but it's free. I used this for a while, until switching to Parallels, and found it very stable, and fast enough for my needs. You only need a copy of Windows as an expense here. There is of course all the open source stuff available on the Mac, using MacPorts or Fink. MacPorts has been updated for SL, and has Pan and Knode, as well as the oldies, like SLRN, Mutt, Pine and Tin. So, there's a few choices there; either paying up to use Agent, or trying the free options and trying something else for news.
Get a mac... oh shit Try Unison Nick, I have been running it on my SL install for about a month now and it works really well for me. Its very UNLIKE Agent (which I personally think is shit, along with that abortion of a program MacSoup). Its free for 15 days, then dirt cheap to buy if you like it. There are threads and threads on this topic over on uk.sys.comp.mac Watch out for Roland though - hes a little like Bear but without the charm and wit. -- Gavin. GSXR600K1 | For Sale: Peugeot Speedfight 2 £700 Twitter: Blog:
It took me weeks of trying, swapping from Mozilla and such like, but now it just works. Indeed it is. I can use any news reader I like, but I can't work so easily without the graphical thread display that MacSOUP has. Nemo was a promising one, but he charges up front for what is alpha level software. It's tried to emulate the graphical thread display of MacSOUP, but it just doesn't quite work. There's plenty more to choose from. For all the Mac apps: <> Any use? -- Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3 Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply) 116 Giulietta 3.0l Sprint 1.7 145 2.0 Cloverleaf 156 V6 2.5 S2 Triumph Sprint ST 1050: It's blue, see.
I think I might have used Pan when I was using Linux, but as Snow Leopard is Unix based it shouldn't be too much trouble to compile a release for the Darwin kernel in it.
£52.67. Or, Over £72 if you actually want to receive bug fixes for just 12 months. OR: Sun VirtualBox, £free. I've just copied the Agent folder to my WinXP Pro VirtualBox and am writing this from there in 'Seamless mode' meaning the windows applications sit as normal apps within OSX.