Paging potential European Tourists (Ginge, Porl, Ace, etc)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Champ, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. Champ

    Black Mike Guest


    I know...Always read the question!
    Black Mike, Jun 7, 2005
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  2. Champ

    Black Mike Guest

    Hmm... this is looking better all the time.

    Might have to disappoint SWMBO for one evening BIG TIME, but that
    doesn't matter; and after that the rest of the family are away for two
    weeks, so it might just be possible :)
    Black Mike, Jun 7, 2005
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  3. Champ

    Fr Jack Guest

    Avesnelles, this year, SE of Cambrai.

    Fr Jack
    96 Tiger.
    skype: fr.jack (without the dot)
    Open up your eyes, just to check that you're asleep, again
    Fr Jack, Jun 7, 2005
  4. Champ

    Fr Jack Guest


    Fr Jack
    96 Tiger.
    skype: fr.jack (without the dot)
    Open up your eyes, just to check that you're asleep, again
    Fr Jack, Jun 7, 2005
  5. Champ

    Champ Guest

    Hey, if you can swing it, that'd be really cool. It's been six years
    since we rode together!
    Champ, Jun 7, 2005
  6. Champ

    Black Mike Guest

    Six years! Christ!

    I've got one thing I need to try and reschedule, but the soirée on the
    10th is a bit harder.

    When are you thinking of leaving?
    Black Mike, Jun 7, 2005
  7. Champ

    Black Mike Guest

    Hmm...just mentioned it, and got an ear full[1]. Just let the dust
    settle a little while and come back to it, I think.

    [1] You get to go off - I get stuck with the kids - type thing.
    Black Mike, Jun 7, 2005
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