Paging Muck

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by BGN, Jul 4, 2006.

  1. BGN

    BGN Guest

    Good morning.

    Bandit still going well but I've got a couple of questions:

    Does the Bandit normally come with those bar end weights things? I
    know you've put excellent bar end mirrors on it instead, but I find
    that when I'm going over 60mph there's a vibration that I feel through
    the bars. When I got home from Brighton my hands were almost entirely
    numb from the vibration.

    Would bar end weights fix this, and if not is a steering damper likely
    to get rid of the vibration?

    BGN, Jul 4, 2006
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  2. BGN

    BGN Guest

    BGN, Jul 4, 2006
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  3. They'd help, and a steering damper wouldn't.

    I remember being surprised how much a 600 Bandit buzzed, the first time
    I rode one.
    The Older Gentleman, Jul 4, 2006
  4. BGN

    Pip Guest


    They all do that. Bar end mirrors are shite - that's exactly why I
    took off the mirrors my Bandit came with and replaced them with
    standard items. Bandits all vibe significantly, the 6 being worse
    than the 12 and part of the cure is to simply avoid the resonant
    frequency rpm.
    90% of the bar vibes on my 12 went away when I took off the bar end
    mirrors and fitted heavy stainless steel weights.
    They're known for it. Particularly when the footpeg rubbers get worn
    down a bit and the squidgy ridges disappear, the peg vibes can numb a
    foot inside ten minutes. Bar vibes through standard bars would numb
    my right hand progressively from the little finger at ten minutes to
    the whole hand at 30.

    Renthals are better for postion-related numbing, but no better for
    vibes. A BarSnake apparently cures all vibes, but weights certainly

    We did this only the other day, iirc.
    Pip, Jul 4, 2006
  5. BGN

    Beav Guest

    Has your Bandit still got the "come as standard" weights under the top yoke?
    If not, maybe finding them (or an alternative) and fitting them would help.
    I used wheel balancing weights on my bro's B6.

    Another cause (my Bro's B was a vibrating nightmare btw and has one and this
    worked on his) is the idle screw setting. 1-1/4 as standard, but opening
    them to 3 smoothed things out a LOT.
    They'll help, but if they don't help enough, roofing lead rolled into a
    "tube" and persuaded into the bars will. Add the bar end weights to finish.

    and if not is a steering damper likely
    I don't see how.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Jul 4, 2006
  6. In, Pip belched forth and ejected the following:

    They all do that. Bar end mirrors are shite - that's exactly why I
    took off the mirrors my Bandit came with and replaced them with
    standard items. Bandits all vibe significantly, the 6 being worse
    than the 12 and part of the cure is to simply avoid the resonant
    frequency rpm.
    90% of the bar vibes on my 12 went away when I took off the bar end
    mirrors and fitted heavy stainless steel weights.
    They're known for it. Particularly when the footpeg rubbers get worn
    down a bit and the squidgy ridges disappear, the peg vibes can numb a
    foot inside ten minutes. Bar vibes through standard bars would numb
    my right hand progressively from the little finger at ten minutes to
    the whole hand at 30.[/QUOTE]

    It's weird but until a few months ago, I never noticed any bike making
    my hands numb now everything I ride seems to do it.

    Old gimmer syndrome surfacing?
    Whinging Courier, Jul 5, 2006
  7. In, BGN belched forth and ejected the following:
    The only way I do it is to lift my hands off the bars when at traffic
    lights of remove the left hand when on a straight bit of road and open
    and close my fist. The same goes for the right but obviously you slow
    down when you do this so I try and rest the side of my hand on the

    This doesn't cure it btw, only getting off and walking about does that.
    Whinging Courier, Jul 5, 2006
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