Paging Merkin cousins

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Grimly Curmudgeon, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. I need something from, but the supplier won't ship outside
    the US - anybody can get this and tranship, I'd be grateful.
    Drop me a line, the email addy is valid.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Apr 3, 2011
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  2. Grimly Curmudgeon

    des Guest

    Make sure your US contact doesn't put the value of the goods on the customs
    wotsit. Otherwise, you'll have to pay import duty, or whatever the ****
    it's called.


    'Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect
    for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice'
    (Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862))
    des, Apr 3, 2011
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  3. Grimly Curmudgeon

    Mark Olson Guest

    Mark Olson, Apr 3, 2011
  4. Grimly Curmudgeon

    Thomas Guest

    Lemme know if Mark decides he doesn't want to commit a felony. Or
    Thomas, Apr 4, 2011
  5. Grimly Curmudgeon

    Intet Navn Guest

    I need something from, but the supplier won't ship outside
    If everything else fails (having no friends etc.) the mail-forwarder is hereby recommended.

    Nybox allows you to bundle packages from multiple vendors, which Nybox
    will open and repackage in the smallest possible package and then
    forward to you with a very friendly customs value and "Gift" notice on
    the front.

    They forward small packages by airmail, so please note that any large
    volume package (fx. small and light items packed in unreasonable amounts
    of styrofoam) aquickly becomes VERY expensive to ship. It might be
    possible to have them ship large/heavy items in some other
    cheaper/slower way, but you would have to either read the fine print or
    contact them to find that out.

    You also get a legal US street address, which can be used for ordering
    other services in the US which requires one of those, fx. Netflix.
    Intet Navn, Apr 4, 2011
  6. Grimly Curmudgeon

    Thomas Guest

    Interesting, but I couldn't find anything on their site about customs
    declarations. Which is prolly a good thing, because any overt
    declaration of something like that would surely court interest from
    the Man.
    Thomas, Apr 4, 2011
  7. Grimly Curmudgeon

    Intet Navn Guest

    Interesting, but I couldn't find anything on their site about customs
    Indicating clearly on their webpage that they down-value packages could
    possibly mean that ALL packages from them would begin to undergo
    scrutiny or might even land them in legal trouble, so that would be a
    reasonable explanation as to why that bit of information isn't there.

    The custom value my package was marked with was not unreasonably low, so
    it didn't grab the attention of the danish custom (who usually are quite
    zealous) and the VAT I ended up paying was proportionate to the
    indicated custom value. Saved me a bit of money on customs and VAT, but
    shipment was a lot more expensive than I thought (due to volume of one
    item) so maybe that's some sort of universal VAT-karma?

    If you calculate with paying full customs and VAT on any shipment you
    can only end up being pleasantly surprised if a package should sneak
    through at less expense than you calculated; a sort of applied "plan for
    the worst and hope for the best". :-D
    Intet Navn, Apr 4, 2011
  8. Grimly Curmudgeon

    Mark Olson Guest

    What's one more or less, between friends?
    Mark Olson, Apr 4, 2011
  9. Grimly Curmudgeon

    TOG@Toil Guest

    That sounds illegal to me, and if the service is well known, I'm sure
    a lot of their stuff gets intercepted.

    I've just won this on eBay You-Ess-Ay

    For those who don't know the price of good used BMW bits over here,
    that is an absolute steal at the price, and my own seat is just
    starting to develop a split.

    Anyway, the seller has agreed to send it to our friends in Albuquerque
    and they'll hang onto it until September, when we're visiting. And
    I'll just take it back in my luggage (we go out with two suitcases,
    one empty and containing a third, smaller, case, which gives us loads
    of space to pack purchases for the return journey). Also, of course,
    the tax-free allowance is bigger if you bring the stuff in personally
    rather than have it sent.
    TOG@Toil, Apr 4, 2011
  10. Grimly Curmudgeon

    Intet Navn Guest

    That sounds illegal to me, and if the service is well known, I'm sure
    I'm sure you are right and that some laws or other are being broken by
    them. My package might have slipped in 'under the radar', but no
    interest was shown in it by danish authorities what so ever - and of
    course I'm not promising that any other packages will be treated with
    the same wonderful indifference.

    Nothing in the arrangement prevents an honest citizen from declaring the
    true value of the package to the proper authorities to make sure that
    correct customs and VAT is being paid, so if it really is an issue for
    the receiver, I'm certain that whatever government (s)he is usually
    plundered by will appreciate the extra revenues. :)
    I'm not going to pretend to know UK law either, but danish customs and
    VAT are a lot more friendly towards used/preowned items than they are
    towards new and taxable ones, so it might be worth looking into having
    it shipped after all. That way it wouldn't cut into your tax-free
    allowance (which isn't that big after all) when returning from 'over there'.
    Intet Navn, Apr 4, 2011
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