Don't wave then you miserable git ;-) Barford to the Bypass, today. I was bimbling through Barford, empty after a long day, and thought, Loz uses this route home, I wonder if I will see him? When I got to the X roads, there you were, waiting to turn right. My Lorry's Laurie detector must be working just fine. I was in the Rogers Volvo FH12 2 behind you. -- ColonelTupperware spouting bollocks on Usenet since 1997 Usenet FAQ at UPCE FAQ at UKRM FAQ at
Colonel Tupperware says... Must have been your lucky day. I didn't have to cut anyone up to get out of the X-roads today IIRC. <Champ mode> What's behind doesn't matter </Cm>
Not bad. Decent enough trucks, easy work. No hassle. I only do casual, no nights out. Paid on invoice, weekly. They ask rather than tell. Its reasonably clean work, unlike the European Abnormal loads I used to do. No chance of them doing any European work, as they sent a truck to Paris once and lost so much money on the job. Like every other haulier they cant keep drivers, as the grass is always greener in the other cab. But it suits me. I do 2 or 3 days a week for the same money as working 5 in the Jeep dealership that I used to do. -- ColonelTupperware spouting bollocks on Usenet since 1997 Usenet FAQ at UPCE FAQ at UKRM FAQ at