Paging Linger...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Dynamic, Feb 12, 2004.

  1. Dynamic

    Dynamic Guest

    Did you find a decent answer to your "road legal trail bike that is capable
    of taking a mx track every now and then" before thinking '**** it' and going
    for the CR?

    Cos I'm after the same sort thing.
    Dynamic, Feb 12, 2004
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  2. Dynamic

    WavyDavy Guest

    If its any use, the weekend before I got rid of the CRM I went out with a
    mate who'd just bought a KTM EXC250. Now his *wasn't* road legal, but only
    cos he'd got the lights and stuff in a box at home to fit if he does want to
    go on road, but **** me, was it a nasty bastard!

    The CRM is most definitely a nice soft trail bike, the EXC is most
    definitely useful in mx-type "Let's go to a disused quarry and see how high
    we can jump when we gun it up the side of a near vertical mud slope"
    situations. So if you want no bottom end but a really manic powerband that
    lifts the front and wheelspins at the same time on half throttle in 2nd then
    get the KTM. If you want to go trail riding with the odd mx-track (like you
    state) I'd still recommend the CRM - it's just not quite so committed....

    WavyDavy, Feb 12, 2004
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  3. Dynamic

    Linger Guest

    Money was the limiting factor. Id've gone for a DRZ400.
    However I was riding more MX than trails and enduro's.
    My wife got a job in the same place as me, so I didn't need a bike for the
    And yes, I rode a CR and then thought "**** it."
    Linger, Feb 12, 2004
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