Paging - KillaHedgeHog

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Peter Jones, Nov 11, 2003.

  1. Peter Jones

    Peter Jones Guest

    Been lurking here for a while and i have noticed you have a Bultaco
    Sherpa listed in your sig.

    Do you happen to know of any bultaco specialists that can rebuild the
    crank as the big end has gone on it. I know of sammy miller, but was
    wondering if there were any others in the country.

    It's the 250 engine if that makes any difference

    Peter Jones, Nov 11, 2003
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  2. Peter Jones

    Steve Parry Guest

    ask here

    Steve Parry
    Steve Parry, Nov 11, 2003
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  3. I had mine rebuilt at a place near Dudley Called Alpha Bearings.

    A place with a huge history in two stroke engineering, and it was very well
    priced too. A mate of mine who used to drag race two strokes recommended
    them and he was a fussy bastard at that, so the quality is all but
    guaranteed. They even offered to make a new crank from scratch when they
    found mine was cracked. Top quality engineering!

    Hope this helps


    KillaHedgeHog AKA Paul Hendrick
    YZF750R Bultaco Sherpa Fantic200
    BONY#3 BOTAFOT#101

    Remove KHH to reply by email
    KillaHedgeHog, Nov 11, 2003
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