Had a bit of an off last Saturday morning at the hands of a pedestrian an extendable lead and a chocolate brown labrador. Chap let his dog enter the highway whilst on the extendable lead, I came around theblind right hander on the Old Leicester Road in Wansford to be met with a dog on the central white .ines a lead going from it to the bloke on the left kerb. Stood the bike up, swerved to avoid the dog and in doing so stoppied and went over the top. Missed the dog but broke 3 ribs, cracked my left shoulder blade and mashed the end of my clavical. Bloke told Janitors that it was his fault etc so claim in due course. In the meantime the ins co have written the RRS off at a value of £2450 and offered me it back at a v v silly price. What have others done in this position? It is a class c write off so can be rebuilt, but is it worth the effort? Mjuchly appeciate your views and opinions [first time for everything I suppose] Cit Fireblade RRS [fooked]