[QUOTE="In"] Well, let us know which one, where and how much. El Reg published a fairly glowing review of an ATI USB2.0 ttuner a couple of weeks ago, but noted that ATI don't sell directly in the UK so it would probably turn up rebadged. I could do with a TV but don't want to splash out on a 32" WideScreen just yet. OTOH, paying £120-odd p.a. to license a £60-ishtuner seems a bit perverse to me...[/QUOTE] The idea was that you can plug this thing in, about the size of a box of ship matches and if the TV licence bods come round, you can whip if out quick smart and say you were watching a DVD. I don't have a telly that works here and the thing below is the ideal thing. [URL]http://computing.kelkoo.co.uk/ctl/go/shopbotGo?catId=100066613[/URL] &merchantId=403501&pkey=0&orw=true