Paging car crash experts

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by flash, Apr 20, 2005.

  1. flash

    zymurgy Guest

    Especially in a 4X4 when off roading. Some Land rover drivers have been
    killed in a roll over due to high lift jacks and toolboxes being thrown
    around inside the vehicle.

    Here endeth todays cautionary/gory tale ;-)


    zymurgy, Apr 21, 2005
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  2. flash

    zymurgy Guest

    Anything that stops those selfish twats reclining themselves into my
    lap gets my vote.


    zymurgy, Apr 21, 2005
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  3. flash

    higgins@work Guest

    Nidge said:

    OK. Who else counts the number of headrests between their seat and the
    In other words, stomp over everyone between you and the door. During a
    long flight, I do occasionally ponder how I would react, especially
    when travelling with the family.
    higgins@work, Apr 21, 2005
  4. flash

    dwb Guest

    Do you keep the pony tail in a box?
    dwb, Apr 21, 2005
  5. flash

    AndyW Guest

    That'll be me then.
    I saw one of these crash assesments where they got people to file out
    after a simulated survivable accident in an orderly fashion, it took
    over 5 minutes and they decided every one that took for than 30 seconds
    to get out was "dead". Then they did it again, filled the plane with
    smoke and told people to get out at all costs and a fairly effective
    simulation of a riot took place with people shoving others out of the
    way etc etc. They ended up with a few broken bones and a few people
    that would have been killed in the rush, but they got more out as
    "survivors". Obviously it's all going to go to ratshit and if you've
    more than a few rows from the doors, you're dead.

    One of my mate's said how he flew on an internal Chinese flight and
    they didn't do a safety briefing as he's used to, so asked the cabin
    crew why not and got the reassuring answer "we crash - you die", which
    is probably what would happen.
    AndyW, Apr 21, 2005
  6. flash

    AndyW Guest


    Not scary for you, but the airlines have to take account of the lowest
    common denominator and the wobbly bottom lip types.

    The wierdest one I've flown on was a Royal Flight BAe125 (ie a biz-jet)
    which had a side facing 2 seat sofa in the cabin. That was odd both on
    take off and whenever the plane banked....
    AndyW, Apr 21, 2005
  7. flash

    platypus Guest

    So what have you got against Gillian Taylforth?
    platypus, Apr 21, 2005
  8. flash

    Krusty Guest

    His knob by the sound of it.
    Krusty, Apr 21, 2005
  9. flash

    HooDooWitch Guest

    And making the seats rear-facing alleviates this problem?
    HooDooWitch, Apr 21, 2005
  10. flash

    Lozzo Guest

    AndyW says...
    I've done crash exit simulations at Cranfield Uni. I got out of the
    front door from all positions in the plane within the first 10 people

    If you're ever in that situation, sit by a window, wait until everyone
    is standing and squeezing themselves into the aisle, stand on your seat
    and kick the seat in front. It will collapse forwards and then you can
    run over its back and keep doing the same all the way to the exit. When
    you get to the exit elbow some **** in the face and shove in front of
    them and then out of the plane.

    That's what I did and it worked every time.
    Lozzo, Apr 21, 2005
  11. flash

    Dan White Guest

    Heh, saw that on a documentary years ago about the Manchester airport fire.

    ISTR one of the guys was a fireman. Realised that being in a metal tube
    surrounded by combustible materials and Oxygen cylinders overhead was Not A
    Good Thing.

    As you say, whilst every other monger was blocking the aisles, trying to
    take their fucking duty frees with them, he belted it across the top of the
    seats, and consequently did not get toasted.

    Completely OT: Got any ideas of the nearest Nitro stockists in Bristol?
    Everyone's raving so much and my Schuberth is a) a bit past it, and b)
    fucking noisy.
    Dan White, Apr 21, 2005
  12. flash

    Lozzo Guest

    Dan White says...
    I'll ask my colleague and email you tomorrow.
    Lozzo, Apr 21, 2005
  13. flash

    Dan White Guest

    Great, ta.
    Dan White, Apr 21, 2005
  14. flash

    Krusty Guest

    I'm sure you've done your research, but have the people raving about
    Nitros actually owned one for any length of time? I know nowt about
    them meself, but my brother had one for a few months last year &
    pronounced it the biggest pile of poo he'd ever bought.

    The paint couldn't wait to escape from the outside, quickly followed by
    bits of lining from the inside. When he wanted a flip at the NEC, he
    wouldn't even consider the absurdly cheap Nitro based on his previous
    experience - which is most unusual for him as he's strictly of the "buy
    it cheap & chuck it after a year" school of thought (I don't think he's
    ever paid more than a ton for a car).

    Nitro snowboards on the other hand rock, but then again they aren't at
    the cheap end of the market.
    Krusty, Apr 21, 2005
  15. flash

    Lozzo Guest

    Krusty says...
    I've done a few thousand miles in my N1200 since July last year, and it
    looks like new, but then again I do look after all my gear. I don't
    have to look after helmets, because I can send them back as used
    samples and order another up FOC.

    I've seen N311 Nitros that cost 39-99ukp that couriers have been using
    for a year and they look fine. I've also seen the state of some of the
    scooter boys Nitros and they are destroyed within a couple of months.
    All depends on the fuckwit using it.
    Lozzo, Apr 21, 2005
  16. flash

    Krusty Guest

    Maybe he just had a duff one, or the early ones had a few QC problems -
    wouldn't be the first time. He does look after his kit so that won't
    have caused it, but he also does huge mileages going to all the Vinnie
    rallies so probably wears things out more quickly than most.
    That line should be part of the consumer rights act really.
    Krusty, Apr 21, 2005
  17. I would *love* to try the Vomit Comet.
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 21, 2005
  18. flash

    AndyW Guest

    Aye, that'd be good. It's been retired though and I don't know if they
    replaced it with anything.

    However, more than anything, else with the possible exception of flying
    a Spitfire or going into Space, I want to do this:
    AndyW, Apr 22, 2005
  19. flash

    AndyW Guest

    Lozzo wrote:

    That's interesting. I always thought the best way would be to avoid
    the aisle, but thought that clambering over the seats would take so
    long you'd die anyway. Right. Noted.
    AndyW, Apr 22, 2005
  20. It doesn't really matter because you are just a statistic
    covered by an Insurance Policy. You are expendable. The Chinese
    produce a new person every two seconds.

    Regards Chris McBrien (ex-RAF VC-10 Flight Simulator and 99th Entry
    RAF Halton)
    Chris McBrien, Apr 22, 2005
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