paging Burnt, or anyone else who knows about phones

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by darsy, May 4, 2004.

  1. darsy

    darsy Guest

    well, last time I looked at PAYG phones (like, I don't know, 4 years
    ago?) they were charged up with scratch card things. If it's changed,
    I don't actually care.
    darsy, May 5, 2004
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  2. darsy

    flashgorman Guest

    I was just admiring your ability, in the best UKRM tradition, to deride
    something you know very little about.

    FYI, PAYG phones now have a slot on the back for tyou to put money in.

    flashgorman, May 5, 2004
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  3. darsy

    dwb Guest

    Er.. you can set the day the DD comes out in most cases.

    Or are you saying the money is never likely to be there and the use of
    Giro's encourages you to actually
    put money in the account?
    dwb, May 5, 2004
  4. darsy

    darsy Guest

    what's wrong with that?
    I liked you better when you were trying to be funny.
    darsy, May 5, 2004
  5. darsy

    flashgorman Guest

    Nothing, hence my admiration.
    You've not been on that course yet then?
    flashgorman, May 5, 2004
  6. darsy

    Ginge Guest

    OK, where do I fit in? I have a personal virgin mobile phone on PAYT
    but via direct debit with a monthly bill. No line rental, I only pay
    for the calls and texts I use, average maybe £4 or 5 a month on that.

    I also have a work mobile on o2, that gets switched off when I'm not
    working / on call. It's bills are higher.
    Ginge, May 5, 2004
  7. darsy

    darsy Guest

    at a guess, reluctantly.
    sounds cheap. I suspect I make a lot more calls than you. I *get* many
    more calls than I make, mind you.
    I would never want a job that required me to have a work mobile. I'm
    less than pleased that they've got my personal number on the emergency
    cascade, though I can see the necessity.
    darsy, May 5, 2004
  8. darsy

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I would never want a job that didn't require me to have a work mobile.
    I don't dig paying for my own phonecalls.
    Ben Blaney, May 5, 2004
  9. darsy

    darsy Guest

    each to his own. I just wouldn't want a job that involved 1st or 2nd
    line support. My phone bill's like, 25 quid a month, tops - I don't
    mind that.

    I'm also not that keen on a job that takes me all over the place to
    different locations. Unfortunately on this score, I might find that in
    the near future I'm going to have to spend a lot more time in Paris.
    On the plus side, I might also have to spend some time in Madrid and
    darsy, May 5, 2004
  10. darsy

    Christofire Guest

    No, no. He said "camp", not "Champ".
    Christofire, May 5, 2004
  11. In, dwb said:
    I know, but as darsy said, it's a case of bad financial management.
    Not never likely to be there but getting the bill and seeing the payment
    date certainly helps. It also gives me an opportunity to check the (BT
    bill for example) bill because when I was using DD, I'd get the bill and
    never look at it.
    Whinging Courier, May 5, 2004
  12. darsy

    darsy Guest

    darsy, May 5, 2004
  13. darsy

    Ben Blaney Guest

    That was before my time, I think. Chris has been here longer than me,

    To be fair, I'd have thought Champ could have made a one letter change
    in his name or sig to assist the newbies.
    Ben Blaney, May 5, 2004
  14. darsy

    darsy Guest

    I can't find the original mis-type, but it would appear to have been
    some time in '99.

    when I think of how long I've been reading/posting here, it makes me
    kinda queasy.
    he's such a fucking slacker.
    darsy, May 5, 2004
  15. darsy

    Champ Guest

    Yeah. It was that hmafisted **** Batey, too. But Wolf took it up
    with some relish
    Hey, it's not my job to make it easy for the newbies.
    Champ, May 5, 2004
  16. darsy

    Champ Guest

    My trick is to have a work mobile, and not be on 1st or 2nd line
    support. According to the guidelines, I'm not meant to use it for
    personal calls, but I've been driving a horse and cart through that
    for years.
    Champ, May 5, 2004
  17. darsy

    dwb Guest

    dwb, May 5, 2004
  18. darsy

    Ben Blaney Guest

    My job doesn't involve 1st or 2nd line support. In fact, I've never
    done that. And I've always had company phones.
    I don't either any more. Boo hiss. Except that I might have to be
    going to Kuwait semi-regularly soon. Don't really know how I feel
    about that - never having been there.
    Madrid: good. Milan: good.

    And in Paris you could meet up with Des for a pint and a chat.
    Ben Blaney, May 5, 2004
  19. darsy

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Nice phrase.
    Ben Blaney, May 5, 2004
  20. darsy

    Ginge Guest

    Never done Madrid, but my recollection of Milan was that 2 hour lunches
    are almost compulsary. Lovely place, nice people, fit women, good
    Or Cab, if you prefer the company of someone who isn't a ****.
    Ginge, May 5, 2004
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